2161-2170 of 4173 results

Continuous disclosure during COVID-19: shining the spotlight on earnings and debt
Insight 06 Apr 2020

In its latest compliance update, ASX reiterated that entities in financial difficulty (including with respect to their debt arrangements) will receive no special treatment. On earnings guidance, it was acknowledged that many listed entities have taken the opportunity to withdraw guidance issued before the outbreak of COVID-19. ASX also strongly encouraged entities to review their published guidance in light of COVID-19 and to either update it if it was not current or withdraw it in this highly uncertain climate. ...

Nucleus corporate law developments: rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020; and other corporate law developments
Insight 06 Apr 2020

Rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ASX compliance update; FIRB flags potential fee refunds for COVID-19 application withdrawals; and ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020 and permits coordination to respond to COVID-19. ...

Resources sector regulation – the Productivity Commission's call for reform
Insight 03 Apr 2020

The Productivity Commission has released its draft report on resources sector regulation and, if implemented, its recommendations have important implications for the sector. In particular, the report includes a number of recommendations focused on reducing delays in project assessment and approval, ...

Raising equity in a COVID-19 environment
Insight 02 Apr 2020

This Insight: provides commentary on matters Boards, supported by management, may wish to consider in raising equity; makes some observations about what we are seeing in the market to date or expect to see; and outlines some of the recent regulatory changes in light of COVID-19. ...

Joint ASIC and APRA letter to superannuation trustees, on the impact of COVID-19
Insight 02 Apr 2020

ASIC and APRA have written to all RSE licensees, reminding trustees of their continuing obligations, in light of COVID-19. ...

Toksave – PNG regulatory update: Covid-19 and state of emergency in PNG; Income Tax Act rewrite; Kumul submarine cable network and other developments
Insight 02 Apr 2020

First case of Covid-19 and state of emergency announced in PNG; significant proposed changes to Income Tax Act; Phase 2 of Kumul submarine cable network project initiated; and new tariffs and service standards for ports. ...

The COVID-19 pandemic – what employers in Vietnam need to know
Insight 01 Apr 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis in the global community, but has caused widespread economic disruption to all companies and governments around the world. As have governments in other countries, the Government of Vietnam has issued various restrictions and regulations ...

Fair Work Commission agrees to vary the Clerks Award in light of COVID-19
Insight 01 Apr 2020

On Saturday 28 March 2020, the Fair Work Commission introduced temporary changes to the Clerks – Private Sector Award in response to the impacts of COVID-19 on clerical and administrative employees. An employer can now agree (in writing, including by email) with an individual employee to reduce the employee's hours (including by more than 25%) or to move the employee temporarily from full-time to part-time hours of work, and reduce their pay proportionately. ...

OAIC releases new privacy guidelines for employers in response to spread of COVID-19
Insight 01 Apr 2020

Employers should collect, use and disclose as little information as is reasonably necessary to prevent and manage the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. This includes taking the temperature of employees and visitors entering the workplace for the limited purpose of preventing or managing COVID-19 risks in the workplace (provided that as little information as is reasonably necessary should be collected for that purpose). ...

Amnesty for historical superannuation non-compliance
Insight 01 Apr 2020

The newly introduced superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty scheme provides a one-off amnesty to encourage employers to self-correct historical SG non-compliance. This is done by allowing employers to claim tax deductions for contributions made during the amnesty period, as well as waiving certain penalties and fees that may otherwise apply in relation to historical SG non-compliance. ...
