2481-2490 of 4177 results

Allens advises on PPA for Intelligent Water Networks
News 30 Apr 2019

In a novel move, IWN has coordinated the incorporation of Zero Emissions Water (ZEW) Limited, on behalf of 13 Victorian water corporations, to enter into a PPA to promote renewable energy generatio ...

FWC inserts burdensome annualised wage clauses in modern awards
Insight 30 Apr 2019

The Fair Work Commission (the FWC) has decided that new annualised wages clauses will be inserted in 19 modern awards, impacting how employers administer annual salary arrangements for their award-covered employees. ...

Watch this space – FWC puts a question mark next to biometric scanner dismissal
Insight 30 Apr 2019

In a new and novel case for the Full Bench of the FWC, an employee was given permission to appeal after being dismissed for refusing to use a biometric scanner. ...

Highly paid employee covered by modern award and protected from unfair dismissal
Insight 30 Apr 2019

A recent FWC decision is a reminder to employers that employees who earn more than the high income threshold can still be eligible to bring unfair dismissal claims if they are covered by a modern award. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: April 2019
Insight 01 May 2019

In this update we summarise the progress of new and existing rule change requests across the month of April and take a closer look at the new Default Market Offer (New South Wales, South Australia and South-Eastern Queensland) and Victorian Default Offer regulations that will commence on 1 July 2019 ...

Coming on board with a criminal record
Insight 30 Apr 2019

The Australian Human Rights Commission decided that a New South Wales company discriminated against a prospective employee by rescinding an offer of employment after discovering her criminal record. ...

ATO clarifies position on superannuation and annual leave loading
Insight 30 Apr 2019

The Australian Taxation Office (the ATO) has clarified that superannuation will be payable on annual leave loading unless there is evidence that the reason for the loading is connected to a lost opportunity to work overtime. ...

Faster TGA disclosure - what it means for pharmaceutical patent litigation
Insight 23 Apr 2019

The TGA has consulted on whether it should disclose earlier that a prescription medicine is under evaluation and what types of prescription medicines should be published. ...

Allens secures top rankings on banking and finance league tables
News 24 Apr 2019

In the syndicated loans league tables, Allens was ranked number one borrower's legal adviser in the Asia-Pacific (ex-Japan) for deal volume by Debtwire and Bloomberg. In addition, Allens was ranked ...
