2491-2500 of 4177 results

China's National Carbon Market - one step forward
Insight 26 Apr 2019

Draft legislation revealing the intended coverage and mechanics of China's national emissions trading scheme which is due to commence operation within a year has been released for public consultation until 2 May ...

New WA policy facilitating market-led proposals
Insight 23 Apr 2019

The Western Australian Government recently released its Market-led Proposals Policy which seeks to provide a single consistent and transparent process for the private sector to submit infrastructure service provision and other proposals outside the context of a government-initiated procurement ...

Considering Robo-advice
Insight 17 Apr 2019

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority AFCA the new one-stop-shop for resolving financial complaints has had a very busy first six months of operation ...

Design and distribution obligations - products caught (or excluded)
Insight 17 Apr 2019

Four and a half years after the FSI recommended a targeted and principles-based design and distribution obligation the Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers Act 2019 the Act has recently received the Royal Asset Although the design and distribution obligations will not ...

Trustees, start your reviewing! Super funds and the 'Member Outcomes Act': what needs doing, and when
Insight 17 Apr 2019

This Insight considers the new obligations imposed on super funds in light of the The Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Bill 2019. ...

Criminal cartel charges for alleged forex price fixing; iSelect in court; and the ACCC and FBI strengthen their ties.
Insight 17 Apr 2019

In Touch looks at whats been happening in the Australian competition consumer and regulatory world and what it means for your business ...

ACCC releases draft Consumer Data Right Rules for consultation
Insight 15 Apr 2019

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right on 1 July 2019 the ACCC has released draft CDR Rules for consultation The draft rules detail how the CDR will function across all designated sectors in practice including how data is to be shared the criteria for ...

What do the Swiss and artificial sweetener have to do with patents?
Insight 18 Apr 2019

The recent Federal Court decision in Mylan Health Pty Ltd v Sun Pharma ANZ Pty Ltd [2019] FCA 28 deals with fascinating issues for patentees seeking to enforce Swiss-style claims against makers of bioequivalent products. ...

Imitation is not always the sincerest form of flattery
Insight 18 Apr 2019

In this issue we examine a patentees ability to enforce Swiss-style claims against makers of bioequivalent products following the Mylan Health decision ...

When you use what doesn't Belong to you…
Insight 18 Apr 2019

Telstra Corporation Limited v BelongEnergy Pty Ltd (VID206/2019), recently resolved by consent orders in Telstra's favour, highlights the importance and utility of adequate trade mark protection. ...
