261-270 of 672 results

Federal Court refuses to order disclosure of class action respondent's insurance policies
Insight 27 Apr 2020

In contrast to a previous decision, the Federal Court has refused to order the disclosure of the respondent's insurance policies to the applicant in a class action. We explore this decision and also highlight the way in which the court's reasoning differed from a prior decision that found in favour of disclosure. ...

Continuous disclosure during COVID-19: shining the spotlight on earnings and debt
Insight 06 Apr 2020

In its latest compliance update, ASX reiterated that entities in financial difficulty (including with respect to their debt arrangements) will receive no special treatment. On earnings guidance, it was acknowledged that many listed entities have taken the opportunity to withdraw guidance issued before the outbreak of COVID-19. ASX also strongly encouraged entities to review their published guidance in light of COVID-19 and to either update it if it was not current or withdraw it in this highly uncertain climate. ...

ASIC's New Document Production Guidelines
Insight 12 Mar 2020

ASIC has released its new Document Production Guidelines, which govern how it expects electronic and hard copy records to be produced in response to compulsory notices. ...

COVID-19 and continuous disclosure: how you get ready
Insight 10 Mar 2020

It is critical that listed entities understand how COVID-19 is likely to impact their businesses and are prepared to make necessary disclosures to the ASX. To date, the majority of ASX-listed entities have not made any disclosure in relation to COVID-19. In this update we have set out a number of scenarios that should be considered by listed clients as part of the proper and ongoing assessment of the need for disclosure under the ASX Listing Rules. ...

Linklaters Insights: Novel Coronavirus - practice guide of significant commercial and legal issues
Insight 17 Feb 2020

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus is causing disruption across greater China and the region. This cross-practice guide from our colleagues at Linklaters highlights key issues that may affect business operations in the current environment. ...

Court clears Vodafone/TPG merger in keenly awaited decision
News 13 Feb 2020

The Court, in the biggest merger litigation in Australia in 10 years, found against the ACCC and held that the merger would not have the likely effect of substantially lessening competition. Fiona ...

The new Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration – effective remedy or strange chimera?
Insight 10 Feb 2020

The recently launched Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration are an innovative framework for the resolution of business and human rights disputes through international arbitration. We look at how they operate and why companies might elect to arbitrate under the new regime. ...

Linklaters Insights: UK - At a glance: governance and risk December 2019/January 2020
Insight 31 Jan 2020

This latest guide looks at developments at the end of last year and the beginning of 2020. It covers: Brexit and the transition, final-form recommendations for audit and auditor reform, new stewardship obligations for investors, tougher new anti-money laundering rules, FRC guidance for this year's annual reports and Section 172 statements, the extension of the FCA's Senior Manager regime, market abuse, ESG and climate, private equity reporting, transparency of ownership of UK real estate and late payment. ...

Australian Human Rights Commission proposes mandatory human rights approach for artificial intelligence
Insight 31 Jan 2020

The Australian Human Rights Commission ( AHRC ) has published a discussion paper on proposals to legislate for a human rights approach to artificial intelligence ( AI ) systems. If adopted by the ...

The WTO decision against Australia – what the law on paper might mean in practice
Insight 31 Jan 2020

At a time when global powers continue to test international trade rules, a World Trade Organization decision involving Australian tariffs on Indonesian A4 copy paper highlights some of the key legal issues that caused tension between international trading partners in 2019. ...
