2811-2820 of 4179 results

Competition news
Insight 22 Aug 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

ACCC wants changes to the National Electricity Market
Insight 07 Aug 2018

The ACCC recommends changes be made to the structure of ownership of generation assets and incentives in place regarding bidding and generation investment We examine the operation of the National Electricity Market why the ACCC is concerned about market concentration and their recommendations for ...

ACCC's recommendations for contract markets
Insight 07 Aug 2018

As part of the ACCCs Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry Final Report the ACCC made two key recommendations in relation to contracts markets that the National Energy Laws be amended to require the reporting of over the counter trades to a repository administered by the Australian Energy Regulator and ...

Australian Financial Complaints Authority: a 'one-stop-shop' for financial dispute resolution
Insight 19 Jul 2018

The new Australian Financial Complaints Authority is to replace each of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Credit and Investments Ombudsman in November 2018 ...

Where we are with superannuation retirement income changes
Insight 19 Jul 2018

The Government has slowly been changing the superannuation retirement income system with the aim of increasing the range of retirement products available to Australians A number of changes have already been implemented and more are to come with the proposed Comprehensive Income Products for ...

Update on the Royal Commission
Insight 19 Jul 2018

Have you been wondering what the Royal Commission will make of the numerous witness statements and vast amounts of other information collected from superannuation trustees in recent times You will find out soon enough But first there are some curiosities from the Round Four hearings to consider - ...

ACCC cartel action against Cryosite is a strong reminder of rules prohibiting 'gun jumping'
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Federal Court proceeding instituted by the ACCC against Cryosite Limited involving supposed cartel conduct alleging gun jumping in a merger. ...

VLRC takes first cut at class action reform
Insight 22 Jun 2018

The VLRC has completed its review of Victoria's class action regime, with a particular focus on the effect of litigation funding. The report calls for national regulation of litigation funding, lifting the ban on contingency fees and a greater supervisory role for the Victorian Supreme Court. ...

What you need to know about the national energy guarantee and demand response
Insight 19 Jun 2018

Following the Energy Security Boards release of the National Energy Guarantee Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper Partner Kate Axup Associate Mark Leersnyder and Lawyer Mohamed Khairat consider the challenges and opportunities surrounding demand response as an alternative form of dispatchable ...

National Energy Guarantee enters critical consultation phase
Insight 18 Jun 2018

The Energy Security Board has released its Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper The paper flags some interesting developments from the April high-level design with further detail expected in technical working group papers flagged for release one week into the four-week consultation period ...
