21-30 of 137 results

Circular economy accountability – the role of business in addressing the global plastics and waste crisis
Insight 13 Sep 2023

Overuse and improper disposal of plastics and other materials is a global crisis. Businesses are under increasing pressure from various stakeholders to reduce the impact their use of materials, particularly plastics, has on the environment. ...

Understanding the 2023 Queensland Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap
Insight 24 Jul 2023

The Queensland Government has now released a draft Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap (REZ Roadmap) for consultation. The REZ Roadmap is open for consultation until 22 September 2023. In this Insight we provide details on the focus questions and explain how to submit your feedback. ...

It's nearly here: how businesses can prepare for mandatory climate-related financial reporting
Insight 18 Jul 2023

A mandatory climate disclosure will commence for the first cohort of reporting entities from 2024-2025, and firms up details on the overall architecture of a reporting regime which is now expected to cover around 20,000 Australian organisations. ...

Awakening a sleeping giant: the growing authority of Australia's carbon market regulator
Insight 11 Jul 2023

The enforcement powers of the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) continue to expand, and these developments have implications for numerous stakeholders across the energy, resources and carbon market sectors and beyond. ...

Queensland's new critical minerals strategy unveiled
Insight 03 Jul 2023

The Australian Government's recent Critical Minerals Strategy 2023-2030 has been followed by the release of the Queensland Critical Minerals Strategy. We outline the four key objectives of the new Strategy and explore how the QLD Government intends to strengthen Queensland's position in the critical minerals global value chain. ...

Next step in delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
Insight 29 Jun 2023

Following the release of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in September 2022, the Queensland Government has revealed draft legislation—the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (Qld). This Insight explores the Draft Bill and identifies key details still to be provided. ...

Australia's Critical Minerals Strategy 2023-2030
Insight 22 Jun 2023

In this Insight, we outline the key features of the Strategy, identify questions yet to be answered and focus on several of its key aspects. ...

Safeguard 2.0—managing risk under Australia's new carbon scheme
Insight 19 Jun 2023

With Australia's revamped baseline-and-credit carbon trading scheme, the Safeguard Mechanism (starting on 1 July 2023), many of Australia's large emitters—and their investors, financiers and customers—are grappling with how to comply with the scheme and manage carbon risk. ...

Australian Government locks in final details of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms
Insight 18 May 2023

The Government has released its slate of detailed subordinate legislation that will support the reformed Safeguard Mechanism scheme. This means that the Government has issued the full suite of initial Safeguard Mechanism reforms set to launch on 1 July 2023. ...

Australia's hydrogen industry is progressing, but not fast enough
Insight 16 May 2023

We outline the key takeaways for the hydrogen industry from the 2023-24 Federal Budget, the Hydrogen Report and the Infrastructure Report, and provide an overview of the new emissions calculator. ...
