301-310 of 459 results

Competition news
Insight 17 Oct 2017

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Spotlight: Cyber breach at Yahoo
Insight 16 Oct 2017

2016 was the Year of the Data Breach for Yahoo, as it announced three separate and significant data breaches. Although the consequences of these breaches are still unfolding, the financial cost to Yahoo is already significant – in 2017, Verizon slashed the price of its deal to buy Yahoo by US$350 mi ...

Spring overhaul of Australia's market licensing regime
Insight 04 Oct 2017

Australias market licensing regime has long been crying out for an overhaul with regulatory guidance that largely dates back to the early 2000s struggling in the face of significant developments in financial markets since then Fortunately ASIC has taken heed and is due to release an updated market ...

FX global code update
Insight 04 Oct 2017

The FX Global Code was launched in Australia earlier this year and applies to market participants including most financial institutions bank asset managers brokers and E-trading platforms The Code sets out 55 best practice principles and although compliance is voluntary it is expected that these ...

Pseudo-investments and mobile apps - a new frontier for regulators
Insight 04 Oct 2017

It is hardly surprising that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ASIC has taken an interest in the mobile app market given that there has been an aggressive expansion into the mobile space by financial services providers ASIC has recently cracked down on web and mobile based OTC ...

The BEAR roars into action
Insight 26 Sep 2017

The Federal Government has released the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Banking Executive Accountability and Related Measures Bill together with a draft Explanatory Memoradum This follows on from the release of the Banking Executive Accountability Regime BEAR consultation paper in July ...

Competition news
Insight 14 Sep 2017

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Extraordinary new power proposed for APRA
Insight 12 Sep 2017

The proposed draft of the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Bill 2017, will be giving new powers to the APRA in relation to the authorised non-operating holding company and other related bodies corporate of APRA-regulated entities ...

APRA's new powers in superannuation - A worthy idea, but checks and balances required
Insight 12 Sep 2017

APRA is in line to get significantly increased powers of direction in respect of RSE licensees and their controlled entities as part of the package of superannuation reforms announced in the Treasury Legislation Amendment Improving Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Bill 2017 ...

Approved product lists and FoFA adviser duties
Insight 07 Aug 2017

The FoFA duties that apply to personal advice given to retail clients have been operating for over four years now. ASIC has enjoyed some recent success in the courts in cases brought on the basis of those duties. ...
