331-340 of 672 results

Competing class actions - a problem in need of a solution
Insight 20 Aug 2018

As fertile ground for class actions the Royal Commission has highlighted an ongoing problem with Australia's class action regime - there is no clear consistent means for resolving competing class actions. ...

Expert review into fees and costs disclosure - further changes ahead
Insight 20 Aug 2018

Many of you will be familiar with the long and tortured history of fees and costs disclosure regulation in Australia. The most recent set of issues can be traced back to 2014 when ASIC tried to address what it considered to be gaps in and inconsistent application of the former regime ...

Design and distribution of financial products - regulating 'retail product distribution conduct'
Insight 30 Jul 2018

The revised exposure draft Bill concerning design and distribution obligations for issuers and distributors of financial products and new intervention powers for ASIC includes some modest yet mostly welcome changes to the December 2017 exposure draft Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson ...

Australian Human Rights Commission to conduct inquiry into workplace sexual harassment
Insight 31 Jul 2018

Australia's Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, announced on 20 June 2018 that the Australian Human Rights Commission would conduct the world's first national inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. ...

Key trends in the Australian products liability space - 2018
Insight 10 Aug 2018

We have seen in recent years an increasing level of activity in the Australian regulatory landscape The current Banking Royal Commission is just one example of many dominating boardrooms and newsfeeds Regulators are taking action more often are seeking higher penalties and are seeking to expand the ...

ASIC's allocations project - guidance from abroad
Insight 13 Aug 2018

ASIC is examining the allocations process in capital raising transactions We report on ASICs allocations project and the influences that the regulators in the UK and in Europe may have on the project ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 08 Aug 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: July 2018
Insight 06 Aug 2018

Tis update examines the Rule changes during July and in particular the final AEMC report on the Reliability Frameworks Review ...

Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission alleges significant superannuation misconduct
Insight 27 Aug 2018

The list of alleged breaches are divided into breaches of the SIS Act the Corporations Act and the ASIC Act we consider each of these and what it might mean ...

Competition news
Insight 22 Aug 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...
