351-360 of 672 results

Brace for the Twitterstorm – US appeals court to decide whether embedded Tweets infringed copyright
Insight 20 Jun 2018

A US district court judge has found that several online publishers infringed copyright when they embedded Tweets featuring a photograph protected by copyright. The decision has now been appealed, and could have far-reaching consequences for online media outlets. ...

Acquiring a business? How to 'transfer' social media accounts
Insight 20 Jun 2018

Our IP team frequently assists with the sale or purchase of a business, advising on the scope of relevant IP to be transferred and how to transfer that IP ...

The Federal Court's first look at enablement and support
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The Federal Court has taken a first look at the enablement and support provisions of section 40 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (the Act) as amended by the 'Raising the Bar' Act 2012 (Cth) (RTB). ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update 2018
Insight 13 Jul 2018

In this final wrap-up for FY1718 we take a look at the new rule change requests draft and final determinations made in the period April - June 2018 as well as track the progress of other National Electricity Gas and Energy Retail Rule changes currently underway ...

ACCC makes 56 recommendations for sweeping energy sector reform
Insight 11 Jul 2018

The ACCC today released its final report on the Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry The report finds the national electricity market is not functioning effectively and that extensive reform is required to bring down prices and restore consumer confidence It makes 56 significant recommendations aimed ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 09 Jul 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Clarity on what constitutes a misleading consumer guarantee representation
Insight 04 Jul 2018

A recent Full Federal Court decision has provided welcome clarity on what constitutes a misleading consumer guarantee representation. ...

Modern Slavery Bill introduced - how will this impact Australian businesses?
Insight 28 Jun 2018

The Modern Slavery Bill has been introduced into Federal Parliament If it passes Australian entities or entities carrying on business in Australia with at least 100 million global consolidated revenue will be required to submit a statement on risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply ...

A new era for Victoria's environmental protection
Insight 26 Jun 2018

The Environment Protection Amendment Bill is the first major overhaul of Victorias environmental law in almost 50 years introducing a general environmental duty requiring all Victorian businesses, industry and community members to prevent environmental harm. ...

Insight into the workings of Queensland's Planning Act 2016
Insight 04 Jun 2018

Queensland's Planning and Environment Court recently delivered three significant decisions that provide insight into the operation of the Planning Act 2016. The decisions separately address service requirements for submitter appellants, the operation of the transitional provisions in the Act and the ...
