391-400 of 605 results

'One stop shop' environmental approvals a step closer in Queensland and NSW
Insight 19 May 2014

A one stop shop for Commonwealth and state environmental approvals in Queensland and New South Wales is a step closer with the release of draft Approval Bilateral Agreements If implemented as planned Queensland and New South Wales will each become responsible for assessing and approving projects for ...

National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling
Insight 14 May 2014

The National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling between the Commonwealth and each of the states and territories firmly entrenches asset recycling for the next five years at least In last nights Budget the Federal Budget announced 5 billion will be made available to fund payments to the states ...

Victoria implements new planning regime for native vegetation clearing
Insight 24 Jan 2014

Following on from our report in June 2013 reforms to the Victorian planning scheme provisions controlling clearance of native vegetation have now been implemented through Planning Scheme Amendment VC105 Special Counsel Meg Lee and Lawyer Katherine Kirby outline the new regime ...

ACCC's Enforcement and Compliance priorities for 2018
Insight 22 Feb 2018

A number of industries and issues are in the spotlight following release of the ACCCs 2018 Enforcement and Compliance Priorities by ACCC Chairman Rod Sims on 20 February 2018 The financial services energy commercial construction and agriculture sectors will be a focus in 2018 as well as the ...

The Inverted Bid Model - five key questions in solving it
Insight 18 Mar 2015

Industry Super Australias proposed Inverted Bid Model has generated a lot of interest and discussion At a recent industry symposium participants were invited to explore the model with a view to further refining it for application in the Australian infrastructure market Partner David Donnelly poses ...

Project finance in Australia
Insight 17 Mar 2015

Three of Allens most experienced project finance partners Phillip Cornwell Richard Gordon and Ben Farnsworth spoke to GTDT Market Intelligence - Project Finance about project finance trends including which industry sectors have been the most active and the most significant deals in Australia ...

New energy certificate exemptions for sellers and landlords
Insight 06 Mar 2015

From 1 July 2015 sellers and landlords will be able to enter into sales and leases which are the result of unsolicited offers or which involve only wholly-owned subsidiaries without the need to first provide a building energy efficiency certificate following amendments to federal legislation Partner ...

South Australian Royal Commission heads developments in uranium sector
Insight 06 Mar 2015

The South Australian Government has released the draft terms of reference for the recently-announced Royal Commission to inquire and report on the potential for South Australia to deepen its involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle Partner Richard Malcolmson Managing Associate Hilary Birks and Senior ...

A boost for NT onshore oil and gas opportunities
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Northern Territory Government has decided not to impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for its onshore oil and gas industry giving the Territorys onshore oil and gas operators and investors investment certainty at a time that export and domestic opportunities are arising Partner Ben ...

Investigations - ICAC has its wings clipped
Insight 11 Dec 2014

By a two to one majority the NSW Court of Appeal has held that the Independent Commission Against Corruption had no power under the ICAC Act to investigate an allegation to the effect that as a result of conduct involving an alleged intention to pervert the course of justice a public official had ...
