541-550 of 696 results

Costs decisions of the Queensland P&E Court - the year in review
Insight 29 Jan 2015

In the past 12 months there have been a number of important decisions of the Queensland Planning and Environment Court that provide an insight into the application of the courts discretion to award costs Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Senior Associate Michael Zissis discuss the lessons learned ...

Will Queensland reform its biodiscovery regime?
Insight 14 Oct 2014

The Federal Government proposed significant changes to the regulation of biodiscovery earlier this year when it released a model for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol Partner Michael Morris and Associate Julieane Bull report on the potential flow-on effects for Queenslands regulatory regime ...

New infrastructure charges, environmental offsets and regional planning regimes commence in Queensland
Insight 17 Jul 2014

New frameworks for infrastructure planning and charging environmental offsets and regulating activities in areas of regional interest have now commenced in Queensland Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling Senior Associate Michael Zissis and Associate Julieane Bull report on how the reforms may affect ...

Changes to infrastructure planning and charging in Queensland
Insight 14 May 2014

A new infrastructure planning and charging framework for Queensland has been proposed by the State Government Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Senior Associate Michael Zissis report on the changes to be introduced by the new framework ...

Significant changes to Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal powers
Insight 26 Mar 2014

New legislation will implement significant changes to the administration of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a bid to improve efficiencies. This insight explores key changes to VCAT's powers in the context of its planning jurisdiction. ...

Update on the new costs rules in the Queensland Planning and Environment Court
Insight 12 Feb 2014

A recent Queensland Planning and Environment Court decision sheds light on the application of the new rules for awarding costs following a trial Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Lawyer David Thorpe consider the recent judgment and provide an update regarding the implications for parties to ...

New restrictions on foreign persons acquiring Australian land and agribusinesses
Insight 01 Feb 2018

The Federal Treasurer has today announced material changes to Australias foreign investment regime which will significantly impact transactions undertaken by foreign persons of Australian land particularly agricultural land and agribusinesses Partner Wendy Rae and Senior Associate Nick Kefalianos ...

The new corporate collective investment vehicle: Wholesale application?
Insight 07 Sep 2017

This Insight considers whether the new Corporate Collective Inestment Vehichle is likely to replace the unit trust as the vehicle of choice for wholesale (as opposed to retail) fund structures. ...

Three things you need to know about the Greater Sydney Commission's final regional and district plans
Insight 23 Mar 2018

The Greater Sydney Commission released the final version of the Greater Sydney Plan (A Metropolis of Three Cities), as well as the final district plans for each of the five districts of the Greater Sydney Region (Western City, Central City, Eastern City, North and South). ...

Christmas comes early for the AFP and CDPP: Bill introduced to reform foreign bribery laws and introduce DPA scheme
Insight 08 Dec 2017

The Australian Government has introduced the Crimes Legislation Amendment Combatting Corporate Crime Bill 2017 into the Senate which if passed into law will significantly strengthen Australias foreign bribery laws and introduce a Deferred Prosecution Agreement scheme for resolving corporate criminal ...
