651-660 of 830 results

Blockchain reaction update - ASIC joins chorus on ICO regulation
Insight 03 Oct 2017

While ASIC has published information on the issue of coins or tokens in initial coin offerings other regulators around the world have also been issuing guidance with some taking a much more restrictive approach Although Australia remains a relatively friendly regulatory environment for such ...

Investing in consumer lending in Vietnam
Insight 18 Jul 2017

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors As well as raising capital from equity investors both Vietnamese and foreign-invested enterprises continue to require foreign debt capital in the form of loans from overseas banks to establish and grow their businesses here ...

Excessive payment surcharging reforms
Insight 11 Jul 2017

As of 1 September 2017 merchants will be prohibited from charging excessive payment surcharges for certain payment methods Under the new rules businesses can only pass on to customers what it costs them to process a payment The Allens Competition team have put together a brief overview of the ...

ASIC sell-side research consultation and proposed regulatory guidance
Insight 04 Jul 2017

ASICs new regulatory guidance focuses on managing conflicts of interest and material non-public information when providing sell-side research As well as providing extensive guidance on managing conflicts of interest during the capital raising process ASIC provides its views on payment of ...

Getting The Deal Through: Boom in renewables
Insight 04 Aug 2017

Allens Partners Ben Farnsworth Michael Ryan and Tim Stewart were part of the global panel analysing the boom in renewables in the Australian project finance market In Getting the Deal Throughs third annual issue focusing on the global project finance markets Ben Michael and Tim look at the trends ...

Shakeup to EU data protection regulations - impact on Australian businesses
Insight 23 Jun 2017

Australian businesses that offer goods and services to individuals within the European Union will be affected by new EU data protection regulations that offer the biggest shakeup to European privacy law for 20 years Partner Michael Park Senior Associate Alice Williams and Paralegals Phoebe St John ...

OAIC releases guidance on meaning of 'personal information'
Insight 21 Jun 2017

Uncertainty as to what information constitutes personal information under the Privacy Act will be clarified following the release of guidance from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner The guide provides insight into how a complaint may be determined and offers key questions for ...

A class divide? The Boart Longyear creditors' scheme
Insight 29 May 2017

The NSW Court of Appeal has considered whether different groups of secured creditors should be placed into separate classes for the purposes of voting on a proposed creditors scheme of arrangement ...

Environmental bond and mine rehabilitation reform in Queensland
Insight 15 May 2017

Major reforms to environmental bonds and rehabilitation requirements are proposed in two discussion papers released by the Queensland Government All mining sector operators should understand how the reforms will impact their current and proposed operations Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate ...

2017 Budget: increased scrutiny on competition and accountability in the financial system
Insight 10 May 2017

Treasurer Scott Morrison this week announced that he has tasked the Productivity Commission to review the state of competition in Australias financial system The Budget has also included other measures focused on competition in the financial sector including funding to establish a dedicated ACCC ...
