61-70 of 145 results

Further security of critical infrastructure developments announced
Insight 08 Oct 2021

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (Joint Committee) has recommended that businesses responsible for Australia's critical infrastructure be subjected to expanded governance assistance measures as a matter of urgency. If adopted, the recommendations would see the proposed Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Draft Bill) separated into two bills. ...

Mandatory vaccinations in the workplace: what do employers need to consider?
Insight 20 Sep 2021

In this Insight, our cross-practice experts cover the employment, safety, privacy, regulatory, insurance and liability considerations that confront employers navigating these complex and rapidly changing public health settings. ...

Federal Court makes landmark decision on data transparency
Insight 22 Apr 2021

The Federal Court of Australia has found that Google LLC (Google) engaged in misleading conduct and made false representations to some of its users because of the way it presented its collection, storage and use of users' personal location data in its privacy statements. ...

Privacy disclosure incident leads to largest ever award of compensation for non-economic loss.
Insight 16 Mar 2021

The determination issued by the OAIC for breaches of the Privacy Act by the Department of Home Affairs confirms that compensation can be ordered to be paid for non-economic losses related to data breaches. ...

Coming clean and staying clean: continuous disclosure obligations in the age of the data breach
Insight 07 Dec 2020

Recent data, coupled with the Privacy Act 1988 notifiable data breaches scheme, APRA Prudential Standard CPS 234, the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act and the GDPR, confirm that when it comes to serious cyber security breaches, listed entities should be complying with existing continuous disclosure requirements. ...

ACCC releases its first Digital Platform Services Inquiry Interim Report
Insight 27 Nov 2020

The ACCC recently published the Digital Platform Services Inquiry Interim Report as part of its role in monitoring the impact of digital platforms on competition and consumers. The Interim Report examines the privacy / data handling, competition, consumer and small business implications related to the increasing use of online private messaging services. ...

Proposed updates to security of critical infrastructure legislation
Insight 17 Nov 2020

As part of a broader strategy to strengthen the security of Australia's infrastructure, particularly cybersecurity , the Government has released exposure drafts of its Security Legislation Amendmen ...

Privacy Act Review – what you need to know
Insight 04 Nov 2020

We consider the key implications arising from the Attorney-General's long-awaited review of the Privacy Act - a key part of the Government's response to the ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry. The review seeks to strengthen privacy protections for individuals and streamline compliance for businesses working across international borders. ...

Cyber security by design: Australia's (future) Cyber Security Strategy
Insight 13 Aug 2020

The Federal Government released its much anticipated Cyber Security Strategy 2020 Report on 6 August. The Strategy builds on the foundations of its 2016 predecessor and closely follows the recommendations made by the 2020 Cyber Security Strategy Industry Advisory Panel in its July report. ...

Consultation begins on the CDR energy rules framework
Insight 11 Aug 2020

An overview of the ACCC's approach to the CDR Rules and CDR data sets for the energy sector, and matters which may require energy-specific rules. This article provides and highlights the key issues which have been left open for further consideration. ...
