71-80 of 137 results

Investor state arbitration and the environment: preparing for change in 2021 and beyond
Insight 15 Mar 2021

The overlap between international investment and environmental protection is expanding, eg with environmental protection provisions featuring in recent International Investment Agreements (IIAs) and international Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and environment-related investor-state disputes. ...

Climate change litigation in Australia
Insight 24 Nov 2020

Litigation is increasingly being used to seek to compel government and business to take action on climate change and climate-related risks. Access key local and global trends at a glance in our latest insight. ...

Targeting net zero: five steps for stronger climate governance, disclosure and compliance
Insight 27 Aug 2020

The last few years have seen a dramatic expansion of governance and disclosure expectations in relation to climate change risks. Publicly listed companies need to establish robust governance and disclosure frameworks, and ensure those frameworks are supported by effective implementation and review ...

A growing tide? Climate change class action proceedings issued against the Federal Treasury
Insight 12 Aug 2020

Australia is becoming front and centre as a forum for activist climate change litigation against corporates, financial institutions and government. We assess the significance of these proceedings and outline the key questions your organisation and its Board should be asking. ...

NT Government sets ambitious climate response and offset reform agenda
Insight 16 Jul 2020

The Northern Territory Government's recently released Climate Response, associated Three-Year Action Plan and environmental offset reform agenda is ambitious, and all stakeholders in the Territory should be aware of the coming changes and related opportunities. ...

Targeting net zero: five ways to deliver on carbon reduction targets
Insight 02 Jul 2020

As we move towards a carbon constrained future and electricity prices rise, companies are increasingly looking for ways to deliver on their carbon reduction commitments, including by purchasing electricity from renewable sources, managing their exposure to changing electricity prices and supporting ...

Targeting net zero: climate change is putting governance to the test
Insight 16 Jun 2020

It is a financial imperative to actively navigate the risks and opportunities that the carbon transition presents. It follows, therefore, that corporate strategy in relation to climate risks and opportunities is no longer appropriately housed solely in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) or s ...

New dawn for environmental regulation in the Northern Territory
Insight 02 Jun 2020

A new environmental protection regime in the Northern Territory will commence imminently. The Environment Protection Act 2019 and Environment Protection Regulations 2020 (NT) will commence on 28 June 2020. All operators and proponents should prepare for commencement of this new regime. In particular, proponents with projects currently being assessed under the Environmental Assessment Administrative Procedures 1984 should take advice regarding how their assessment will complete upon the commencement of the new regime. ...

Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper: it's all about where to direct public funds
Insight 28 May 2020

In the recently released Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper, the Federal Government puts forward a proposed framework to govern the investment of public funds in the development of new technologies designed to lower emissions. ...

Targeting net zero: a climate change guide
Insight 27 May 2020

Even in a COVID-19 affected world, climate change remains a material consideration for most businesses. The challenge of reaching net zero by 2050, in particular, will increasingly demand the attention of in house legal and compliance teams. ...
