831-840 of 1134 results

Managing shareholder activism - who is in the driver's seat?
Insight 03 Feb 2015

The recent New South Wales Supreme Court decision of Molopo Energy Limited v Keybridge Capital Limited reflects the continuing growth of shareholder activism in the Australian corporate landscape The case is a reminder that boards need to remain aware of developing activist strategies particularly ...

Competition law update
Insight 30 Oct 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Linklaters Insights: New board pay rules - are they working?
Insight 29 Oct 2014

FTSE 100 companies have consulted far more widely with their shareholders on board pay and there have been far fewer shareholder revolts on pay as a result These are among the key findings of a Linklaters report analysing how FTSE 100 companies - throughout the 2014 AGM season - have reacted to the ...

Broader reform themes evident in ASIC's forestry schemes submission
Insight 22 Oct 2014

ASICs Senate submission on forestry schemes has emphasised important regulatory reform themes with implications for managed investment schemes and financial services regulation more generally Partner Marc Kemp Consultant Derek Heath and Lawyer Patrick Boyle report ...

The hotel window closes - no vulnerability where a contract exists
Insight 20 Oct 2014

The High Court recently overturned a NSW Court of Appeal decision that stated a building contractor owed a duty of care for pure economic loss for defective work to a successor in title to the developer of commercial premises. ...

Back to a future for employee share scheme options
Insight 17 Oct 2014

After talks of introducing a special tax regime for employee options in start-ups, the Federal Government has reverted back to the global norm of employee options granted by all companies generally being taxed on exercise ...

Competition law update
Insight 14 Oct 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

ASIC proposes changes to fees and costs disclosure
Insight 24 Sep 2014

ASIC has released for industry comment a draft Class Order which would amend the fees and costs disclosure requirements that apply to superannuation and managed investment products The key proposed amendments relate to the way in which indirect costs must be disclosed Senior Associate Simun Soljo ...

The driver, the racing team, the Grand Prix and the court - high-speed arbitration enforcement in the Victorian Supreme Court
Insight 16 Mar 2015

In just over a week of fast-paced litigation the Supreme Court of Victoria acted quickly and decisively to enforce an international arbitration award Partner Duncan Travis view CV and Associate Christopher Holland report on the litigation between Dutch driver Giedo van der Garde and Formula One ...

Full Federal Court blocks US depositions for Australian class action
Insight 18 Apr 2016

The Full Federal Court has ordered an anti-suit injunction against the applicant and a group member in the Treasury Wine Estates shareholder class action preventing the taking of oral depositions from US-based employees under US court procedures Partner Duncan Travis and Associate Michela Agnoletti ...
