81-90 of 104 results

The year to come for Australia's Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regime
Insight 27 Feb 2015

Having recently acquired a new CEO and a significant funding boost AUSTRAC is being closely watched by reporting entities for an indication of its future direction and priorities both at the policy and the enforcement level In light of this and with major review reports pending 2015 promises to be a ...

Changes to New Zealand patent law - the deadline approaches
Insight 10 Jul 2014

Changes to New Zealand's patent legislation which come into effect on 13 September 2014 will align it more closely to Australia's patent law ...

Business risk in international trade and investment
Insight 31 Mar 2017

This insight explores the key questions that Australian boards and senior executives (who maintain oversight of risk and compliance issues) should be asking about the security of their foreign investments in 2017. ...

Sanctions: The 5 questions your board and executives should be asking in 2017
Insight 16 Mar 2017

Australian boards and senior executives are expected to maintain oversight of risk and compliance issues including bribery, sanctions, human rights and anti-money laundering. ...

The Rolls-Royce bribery case and its implications in Australia
Insight 30 Jan 2017

A Deferred Prosecution Agreement in the United Kingdom which will see the Rolls-Royce company pay more than 500 million to settle charges of foreign bribery is the most significant UK DPA to date It is likely to influence the approach and expectations of the Australian Government and law enforcement ...

Linklaters Insights: A cross-border guide to starting a business
Insight 23 Dec 2016

Our global alliance partner Linklaters has compiled a guide for foreign investors who are looking to start a business in selected jurisdictions ...

Linklaters Insights: Corporate Criminal Liability report
Insight 04 Oct 2016

As pressure from prosecution authorities increases it is becoming ever more important for international companies to be aware of the potential impact of criminal conduct committed by their executives and employees and the risks and liability the company may face as a result - not least in order to ...

Foreign investment changes in Indonesia
Insight 27 May 2014

Some Indonesian business sectors are closed to foreign investment while others are subject to foreign ownership limits There have been some changes to theseforeign investment restrictions under Indonesias widely anticipated revisedNegative Investment List which became effective on 24 April The ...

Investor-State dispute settlement under the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 06 Mar 2014

In a shift from the previous Australian Governments position a free trade agreement between Korea and Australia which was recently concluded by the new Coalition Government will include investor-state dispute settlement clauses ...

Mongolia's new State Minerals Policy
Insight 17 Feb 2014

The Mongolian Parliament has adopted a new State Minerals Policy which will serve as the basis for amendments to the existing Minerals Law and other laws relating to the mining sector Partners Igor Bogdanich and David Wenger and Senior Associates John Koshy and Tserena Yumjav look at what the new ...
