1-10 of 257 results

New SEC private fund disclosure rules rejected by US court
Insight 18 Jun 2024

A US appeals court has now thrown out those Rules in their entirety, finding that the SEC exceeded its statutory authority in adopting the Rules in August 2023 (given it was not empowered under either of provisions it relied upon to adopt the Rules). ...

How to prepare for, and execute, a successful exit
Insight 07 May 2024

After a relatively subdued 2023, we are predicting that the rest of 2024 will prove to be the year of the exit, with improving macroeconomic conditions providing the ideal environment for the exit of a number of high-quality assets. ...

Reforms to strengthen and streamline the FIRB regime
Insight 02 May 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Australian Treasurer announced reforms to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) framework, to make it stronger, more streamlined and more transparent. On the same day, the Government released an updated Foreign Investment Policy document, setting out the reforms. ...

Tax benefits and desire: lessons from the Minerva Part IVA decision
Insight 21 Mar 2024

The decision represents a significant win for taxpayers and provides guidance on the operation of Australia's anti-avoidance rules contained in Part IVA. ...

Common FIRB issues for private equity firms
Insight 29 Feb 2024

Australia's foreign investment approval regime is complex. The tests governing whether a transaction requires foreign investment approval—commonly known as Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approval—are complex and layered. ...

Giving new meaning to 'going off grid': can alternatives to utility scale generation solve the energy transition?
Insight 26 Feb 2024

Challenges facing the energy transition present opportunities for consumers and investors. Can alternatives to utility scale generation solve the energy transition? ...

Opportunities for private capital to increase renewables investment, despite the transmission logjam
Insight 22 Feb 2024

Amid fears that Australia's ambitious grid buildout is falling behind schedule, how are investors continuing to deploy capital in renewables projects? ...

Australia - Fund Finance 2024, 8th Edition
Insight 31 Jan 2024

Fund financing activities in Australia remained strong in 2017 with particular focus on infrastructure private equity funds and private debt funds all of which took advantage of the additional liquidity and funding flexibility in this market ...

FIRB fee changes aimed at increasing affordable housing supply
Insight 12 Dec 2023

On 10 December 2023, the Federal Government announced changes to the Foreign Investment Review Board residential land fee rules, designed to 'improve housing affordability and supply'. ...

ASIC publishes second report with insights from the Reportable Situations Regime
Insight 10 Nov 2023

ASIC has published its second report recording high-level insights and trends observed in breach reports received from AFS and credit licensees between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023 under the Reportable Situations Regime. ...

