1111-1120 of 2868 results

The PROOF is in the pudding? Using WIPO's new digital evidence tool to strengthen your IP rights
Insight 25 Jun 2020

WIPO PROOF - WIPO's new service can be used to prove the existence and contents of a digital file at a given time. ...

COVID-19™ – will coronavirus-related trade marks and patent pooling be part of the new normal?
Insight 25 Jun 2020

No COVID-19 related trade marks have yet been registered in Australia; however, several applications are pending, and at least one mark containing the word COVID has been accepted for registration. ...

Targeting net zero

Webinar: Targeting net zero: key legal issues for Victorian Government ...

Superannuation, funds and insurance sector reforms: the year ahead in 2020 and beyond
Insight 23 Jun 2020

As the dust settles on a raft of COVID-19 related disruptions to various proposed legislative and regulatory reforms, the Allens team takes stock of the current regulatory reform proposals in the superannuation, funds and insurance sectors which have been mooted for the tail end of 2020 and early 2021. ...

RG 272 – bringing order through product intervention
Insight 23 Jun 2020

Following its consultation in June last year, ASIC has now published RG 272, setting out ASIC's approach to using its product intervention powers. In this update, we examine the scope of this power and the accompanying regulatory guidance. ...

Annual members' meetings for superannuation funds – physical, electronic hybrid or virtual?
Insight 23 Jun 2020

In May, the Federal Treasurer used emergency powers to temporarily modify the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to facilitate the holding of public company shareholder meetings virtually, without any attendees required to be physically present. We take a look at the SIS Act requirements, ASIC statements, and the implications for holding members' meeting in the current environment. ...

What are the trade implications of COVID-related government subsidies?
Insight 23 Jun 2020

Members of Australian industry, importers and exporters should consider the impact of government subsidies on their business operations and related anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures or risk. ...

In Touch: COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; concerns over Google's proposed acquisition of Fitbit; and ACCC says proposed 'loyalty program' may raise competition issues
Insight 23 Jun 2020

In COVID-19 news, the authorisation permitting insurers to coordinate on temporary relief measures is being proposed to be extended; and the ACCC has imposed further conditions on coordination between health insurers. Elsewhere, the ACCC has rejected a proposal to set minimum advertised prices for Dewalt power tools, declaring any public benefit was outweighed by the potential consumer detriments. The Federal Court has declined to make declaration that Quantum Housing engaged in unconscionable conduct; and also found in favour of Kimberly-Clark Australia by dismissing the ACCC's appeal regarding Kleenex flushable wipes. Finally, the ACCC has raised concerns with Google's proposed acquisition of Fitbit; and also stated that Caravanning Queensland's proposed 'loyalty program' may raise competition concerns. ...

Major changes to Queensland petroleum royalties scheme
Insight 19 Jun 2020

The Queensland Government has announced major reforms to its petroleum royalties regime which will come into force from 1 October 2020. This, and the royalty rates ultimately set, will have implications for the future returns on Queensland petroleum projects. Producers should also review any existing private arrangements that may have relied on the existing wellhead value approach to ensure any unanticipated consequences are resolved prior commencement of the new regime. ...

Allens' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry
Insight 19 Jun 2020

Allens has advocated for reform to the class action regime for many years, including by way of submissions to inquiries conducted by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Victorian Law Reform Commission. We have made a detailed submission to the current inquiry in which we outline our concerns regarding the increasingly entrepreneurial direction of Australia's class action landscape and advocate for (and against) various reforms. ...

