321-330 of 2866 results

Regulating crypto – token mapping consultation paper hints at future licensing regime
Insight 08 Feb 2023

The Australian Government published its consultation paper Token Mapping. In this Insight, we provide an overview of the Government's proposed approach and how it will impact regulatory reform in the crypto-asset sector. ...

ESG class actions
Insight 08 Feb 2023

As these actions grow in prominence overseas, and make their way to Australian shores, all sectors need to be aware of their strategies to mitigate litigation risk whilst keeping a clear eye on present and future trends. ...

Government intervention in the domestic gas market – gas price cap and mandatory code of conduct
Insight 06 Feb 2023

All participants in the gas industry, particularly gas producers and gas consumers, should take note of the Federal Government's latest measures to ensure adequate domestic supply of gas at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms. ...

Employment and Safety: Psychosocial hazards and other developments
Insight 31 Jan 2023

The latest issues, decisions and proposed changes impacting business and workplace risk. ...

Resource and industrial businesses face 4.9% annual emissions reductions
Insight 25 Jan 2023

The Australian Government has provided further clarity on its proposed reforms to the Safeguard Mechanism, imposing declining emissions caps on Australia's largest greenhouse gas emitters from 1 Ju ...

EVs and excise: constitutional challenge to Victoria's electric vehicle road user charge
Insight 25 Jan 2023

A constitutional challenge to the Victorian electric vehicle road user charge has brought into sharp focus the balance of taxing rights as between the states and the Federal Government. The case may have broad-ranging implications for federal and state tax bases. ...

Recent class action decisions set high bar for automakers to comply with acceptable quality guarantee
Insight 23 Jan 2023

In this Insight , we look at class actions targeting the automotive sector, and draw together key themes from recent decisions that have considered the standard of acceptable quality required for ...

Sovereign wealth funds and capital call facilities – the issues to consider
Insight 23 Jan 2023

We set out the legal principles around state immunity and also outline the rules in Australia regarding immunity from jurisdiction and immunity from enforcement as they relate to Sovereign wealth funds and capital call facilities. ...

ASIC releases final revised Derivatives Transaction Reporting Rules
Insight 23 Dec 2022

The ASIC Rules on Derivatives Trade Reporting are being renewed and revised to be simpler and more consistent with international standards. The final revised rules were made this week and are due to take effect on 21 October 2024. The current rules have been extended until then. ...

Insurance in a time of (cyber) war
Insight 22 Dec 2022

This is the third instalment of our Cyber Insurance Handbook Series . See our first and second instalments here. The market-standard position has long been for loss or damage arising from war to be ...

