1-10 of 12 results

Queensland resources sector update: budget announcements and recent reforms
Insight 12 Jun 2024

In this Insight, we explore the key initiatives and funding announced in the budget as well as recent legislative and policy reforms across the sector. ...

Government support for critical minerals industry escalates
Insight 27 May 2024

The WA and Federal Governments have recently announced significant funding and regulatory support packages to accelerate the development of Western Australia into a critical minerals powerhouse. ...

Reforms to strengthen and streamline the FIRB regime
Insight 02 May 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Australian Treasurer announced reforms to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) framework, to make it stronger, more streamlined and more transparent. On the same day, the Government released an updated Foreign Investment Policy document, setting out the reforms. ...

Critical minerals list expands and new strategic materials list
Insight 18 Dec 2023

Part of Australia's critical minerals strategy was to review and update Australia's list of critical minerals. That process has now been finalised, with the critical minerals list expanded to 30 minerals. ...

Release of draft US guidance and Australian access to the benefits of major US critical minerals push
Insight 18 Dec 2023

On 1 December 2023, the US Department of Energy published draft guidance on its proposed interpretation of the term 'foreign entity of concern' or 'FEOCs', which directly relates to two major US green innovation reforms. ...

The evolution of Liontown – from explorer to near term lithium producer

Webinar: The evolution of Liontown – from explorer to near term lithium producer ...

What is the future for natural gas in Australia?

Webinar: What is the future for natural gas in Australia? ...

Queensland's new critical minerals strategy unveiled
Insight 03 Jul 2023

The Australian Government's recent Critical Minerals Strategy 2023-2030 has been followed by the release of the Queensland Critical Minerals Strategy. We outline the four key objectives of the new Strategy and explore how the QLD Government intends to strengthen Queensland's position in the critical minerals global value chain. ...

Australia's Critical Minerals Strategy 2023-2030
Insight 22 Jun 2023

In this Insight, we outline the key features of the Strategy, identify questions yet to be answered and focus on several of its key aspects. ...

FIRB and critical minerals
Insight 31 May 2023

In this Insight, we outline the extent to which the FIRB regime currently regulates foreign investment in critical minerals and consider the potential future direction of the regulatory framework. ...

