991-1000 of 2868 results

The ALRC recommendations on criminal responsibility and transnational offending – a sign of things to come?
Insight 30 Sep 2020

The ALRC Report contains a comprehensive review of federal criminal laws and how they apply to companies. It also indicates that federal criminal law may have a role to play in the regulation of human rights impacts arising in the context of international operations of Australian corporations. ...

Dollars and sense: the evolution of executive remuneration practices
Insight 30 Sep 2020

The need for robust executive remuneration frameworks is becoming increasingly important as companies tackle the challenges arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, a heightened regulatory environment and the need to strike the right balance with executives to drive and reward conduct and performance t ...

'Winding back' responsible lending obligations
Insight 29 Sep 2020

The Government announced a simplification to Australia's consumer credit regulatory regime, which has been widely reported as a 'wind back' or 'axing' of the responsible lending obligations (RLOs) under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) (Credit Act). Learn more from our experts. ...

Reimagining Australian cities
Insight 29 Sep 2020

Cities are always changing, but with 71% of our population now living in major cities,1 there is an increasing focus on how our cities will emerge from the pandemic and how we can provide the greatest social and economic benefits for all Australians. Hear more from our experts. ...

Summary of proposed reforms to FIRB regime – Tranche 2 Regulations
Insight 28 Sep 2020

On 18 September 2020 the Federal Government released exposure drafts of the 'Tranche 2 Regulations' to amend Australia's foreign investment laws. This follows the release on 31 July 2020 of the ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: Second tranche of draft FIRB reforms; ASIC Corporate Plan for 2020-24; High Court clarifies personal/carer's leave entitlements; and other corporate law developments
Insight 25 Sep 2020

Second tranche of draft FIRB reforms released; ASIC releases Corporate Plan for 2020-24; ASIC grants relief for escrow and non-promotional communications for IPOs and updates RG5 and RG254; High Court sides with employers and clarifies personal/carer's leave entitlements; ACCC releases ninth interim gas inquiry report; extension of temporary COVID-19 continuous disclosure and insolvency relief measures; ALRC reports on Australia's corporate criminal responsibility regime. ...

Insolvency reforms to support small business
Insight 24 Sep 2020

The Commonwealth government announced a package of reforms directed at streamlining insolvency processes for small business. Our analysis on the issue from our insolvency and restructuring experts. ...

Superannuation trustees and 'efficiently, honestly and fairly'
Insight 24 Sep 2020

The Federal Court has made declarations that two superannuation fund trustees contravened ss912A(1)(a) (efficient, honest and fair obligation) and 1041H (misleading or deceptive conduct) of the Corporations Act, and s12DA (misleading or deceptive conduct) of the ASIC Act. ...

In Touch: COVID-19 cooperation to continue; international regulators team up on investigations; charity claims under the lens; and other developments
Insight 24 Sep 2020

Continued coordination in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; int'l agreement for regulators to cooperate on cross-border investigations; Oscar Wylee penalised $3.5m; Pfizer's Upjohn merger cleared with Mylan; ACCC examines competition in mobile apps market; and new Energy Tech Consumer Code ...

Tracking the modern slavery landscape: recent developments
Insight 23 Sep 2020

An update on developments in the modern slavery compliance space, with a focus on emerging trends in activism, legislative reform and litigation, and the impacts of COVID-19. ...

