1001-1010 of 2868 results

Social media – reinstated after pressing send to the wrong group
Insight 23 Sep 2020

The Fair Work Commission has ordered the reinstatement of an employee who was terminated for sending racist messages to a work WhatsApp group, on the grounds that his dismissal was unfair. ...

Standing down employees during COVID-19?
Insight 23 Sep 2020

Recent decisions of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) provide valuable insights for employers considering standing down their employees to ensure the ongoing viability of their business during COVID-19. This Insight considers cases arising out of decisions by employers to reduce their employees' working hours to zero. ...

Further changes to the JobKeeper scheme
Insight 23 Sep 2020

The temporary amendments that were introduced to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) in relation to JobKeeper enabling directions will be extended until 28 March 2021, by a bill proposed by the Federal Government that has now been passed by Parliament. ...

Franchisors – take notice!
Insight 23 Sep 2020

The Federal Court has recently confirmed the ability of the Fair Work Ombudsman to require employers to hand over documents created before vulnerable worker legislation came into force. ...

Full Bench confirms breach of critical safety procedure justified dismissal
Insight 23 Sep 2020

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWCFB) has confirmed that a breach of a critical safety procedure can be grounds for dismissal, even where there is no actual risk of injury to any person as a result of the breach. ...

Tax Disputes Series: what lies ahead - ATO compliance focus in the large market

Webinar: Tax Disputes Series: what lies ahead - ATO compliance focus in the large market ...

Retail Leases Amendment Act 2019 (Vic): changes to landlord and tenant rights and obligations
Insight 21 Sep 2020

We examine the key amendments introduced by the Retail Leases Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic); and outline steps that both landlords and tenants should take in response. ...

Restructuring and insolvency: preparing for, and going beyond, the insolvency cliff

Webinar: Restructuring and Insolvency: preparing for, and going beyond, the insolvency cliff ...

Privacy in the workplace

Webinar: Privacy in the workplace ...

ASIC issues hardship withdrawal relief to responsible entities
Insight 15 Sep 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ASIC has provided relief reminiscent of the GFC to allow hardship withdrawals from frozen funds.  The COVID-19 version of hardship-relief goes further than its GFC predecessor in many respects. We provide an overview of the issue. ...

