1271-1280 of 2868 results

Visual Building Construction Pty Ltd v Armistead (No 2) [2019] NSWCA 280
Insight 27 Mar 2020

In this case, the New South Wales Court of Appeal considered when a contract is validly terminated if the termination clause provides for termination if a remediable breach is not remedied within a set timeframe. ...

Contract law update 2019
Insight 27 Mar 2020

There is a general rule that damages for breach of contract are assessed at the date of breach.1 This rule does not apply, however, if assessing damages at a different date would more appropriately compensate the plaintiff. ...

El Ali v Tritton [2019] NSWCA 111
Insight 27 Mar 2020

In this case, the NSW Court of Appeal considered the date of the assessment of damages and whether the loss the respondents suffered was too remote. ...

Contract law update 2019
Insight 27 Mar 2020

The ability to enter into, and enforce, contracts with governments is complicated by the principle that governments cannot fetter the future exercise of their discretionary powers (known as the 'fettering doctrine'). ...

Mann v Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd [2019] HCA 32
Insight 27 Mar 2020

In this case, the High Court held that a contractor who terminated a domestic building contract by accepting the principal's repudiation ...

Contract law update 2019
Insight 27 Mar 2020

'fetter doctrine' is the ability to enter into enforce, contracts with governments is complicated by the principle that governments cannot fetter the future exercise of their discretionary powers. ...

New Standard Energy PEL 570 Pty Ltd & Anor v Outback Energy Hunter Pty Ltd & Anor [2019] SASCFC 132
Insight 27 Mar 2020

In this case, the Full Court of the Supreme Court of South Australia considered the scope and nature of a change of control clause providing that a party's prior written consent 'will not be unreasonably withheld'. ...

Contract law update 2019
Insight 27 Mar 2020

A recent WA Court of Appeal decision illustrates the difficulties for a party in avoiding the literal meaning of a contract in the absence of ambiguity or absurdity ...

Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co Ltd v Hans Bo Kristian Holgersson trading as Holgersson Complete Home Service [2019] WASCA 114
Insight 27 Mar 2020

Court of Appeal of Western Australia considered the extension of an insurance policy to a building-project subcontractor who was neither a party to the insurance contract nor mentioned by name in the policy. ...

Contract law update 2019
Insight 27 Mar 2020

Contracts often contain detailed provisions prescribing how parties must perform their obligations or exercise their rights under it. Frequently, such provisions are not strictly complied with. There will often then be a dispute about the consequences of that non-compliance. ...

