1581-1590 of 2869 results

Expanded ban on employer incentives for super - amendment passed in the Senate
Insight 15 Feb 2019

The Senate has passed amendments that will greatly expand the scope of the prohibition on trustees and their associates providing incentives to employers in section 68A of the Superannuation Industry Act 1993 ...

Opposition's promise of $1 billion for hydrogen reflects growing optimism
Insight 14 Feb 2019

The Federal Oppositions recent announcement of a 11 billion National Hydrogen Plan to support development of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is only the latest development demonstrating the industrys potential growth Partner Igor Bogdanich Associate Holly Woodcroft ...

Crackdown on offers of stub-equity, the Banking Royal Commission Final Report and other developments
Insight 13 Feb 2019

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues Due to the holiday period this months issue covers developments in December and January and we belatedly wish you a happy 2019 ...

State of trade - the regulatory impacts on your business in 2019
Insight 12 Feb 2019

If last year was anything to go by managing trade-related risk has never been more important to your business In 2018 we saw significant growth in regulatory actions undertaken globally in reliance on trade law with trade barriers at the forefront of both domestic and international policy-making ...

What this means for governance and directors’ duties

Looking forward: 2020 and beyond As we look forward at what's to come, the Royal Commission's lessons on governance and director duties continue to resonate in Australian boardrooms across a range of industries. Here are a few key points: ...

What this means for risk, compliance & personal accountability

The BEAR It comes as no surprise that one of the key ways in which the Final Report recommends the need for greater personal accountability be addressed is by the expansion of the BEAR. Specifically, the Commissioner has recommended that: ...

What this means for class action risks in financial services

Filings: what have we seen and what's to come? Before the publication of the Final Report, the matters raised during the Royal Commission resulted in either the commencement or investigation of class actions in relation to: Superannuation ...

What this means for new regulatory enforcement landscape

Preparing your business to respond Although dealing with regulators will never be an exact science, there are steps you can take now to navigate this new regulatory enforcement landscape. We have been assisting clients with: preparing a ...

What this means for remuneration

Executive remuneration Last year, the Commission's examination of misconduct and senior executive remuneration contributed to a reporting season hit by public showings of shareholder dissatisfaction, with many of Australia's largest ...

What this means for culture

Are there implications over a year on? Yes. The broader lessons on culture are becoming clearer, and we have seen an increasing trend towards its regulatory supervision, particularly with APRA regulated entities. In February 2019, the 4th ...

