151-160 of 452 results

A 'high risk' jurisdiction: climate change and directors' duties
Insight 26 May 2020

Australian law requires certain standards of conduct of company directors, including that directors act in the best interests of the company and exercise care and diligence in performing their role. ...

Corporate PPAs: questions to ask, traps to avoid
Insight 26 May 2020

As electricity prices rise and we move towards a carbon‑constrained future, companies are looking for ways to manage their exposure to changing electricity prices and to purchase electricity from renewable sources. Generators are also looking beyond retailers as potential offtakers to support the de ...

Disclosure of climate-related financial risk: major change is imminent
Insight 26 May 2020

There has been a global proliferation of voluntary reporting standards that companies might adopt with respect to disclosure of climate change-related financial risk. ...

State of trade: COVID-19's impacts on trade regulation and supply chain risks
Insight 25 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of international commerce, and will continue do so for some time. In this Insight, we discuss three critical trade-related impacts of the pandemic on Australian businesses. ...

OAIC's landmark case against Facebook to have major implications on Privacy Act
Insight 12 May 2020

As Privacy Awareness Week this year called for individuals to #rebootyourprivacy and debate continues over the privacy protections for the COVIDSafe application, another step has been taken in the Australian Information Commissioner's (Commissioner) landmark case against Facebook, Inc and Facebook Ireland Ltd (together, Facebook) which will have major implications for the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and digital businesses operating from offshore entities. ...

Federal Court refuses to order disclosure of class action respondent's insurance policies
Insight 27 Apr 2020

In contrast to a previous decision, the Federal Court has refused to order the disclosure of the respondent's insurance policies to the applicant in a class action. We explore this decision and also highlight the way in which the court's reasoning differed from a prior decision that found in favour of disclosure. ...

COVID-19 and class action risk – some (early) lessons for Australia from overseas
Insight 16 Apr 2020

As COVID-19 spreads throughout Australia and the world, its impact is being felt across every industry. With the pandemic at a relatively early stage, the virus has disrupted supply chains and shuttered businesses, resulting in record levels of unemployment and unprecedented market volatility. ...

Takeover response in a COVID-19 environment: it's about being prepared
Insight 09 Apr 2020

COVID-19 continues to impact ASX-listed entities across all sectors. Among others, market volatility and uncertain business conditions have made M&A challenging in the immediate term.  ...

Continuous disclosure during COVID-19: shining the spotlight on earnings and debt
Insight 06 Apr 2020

In its latest compliance update, ASX reiterated that entities in financial difficulty (including with respect to their debt arrangements) will receive no special treatment. On earnings guidance, it was acknowledged that many listed entities have taken the opportunity to withdraw guidance issued before the outbreak of COVID-19. ASX also strongly encouraged entities to review their published guidance in light of COVID-19 and to either update it if it was not current or withdraw it in this highly uncertain climate. ...

Nucleus corporate law developments: rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020; and other corporate law developments
Insight 06 Apr 2020

Rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ASX compliance update; FIRB flags potential fee refunds for COVID-19 application withdrawals; and ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020 and permits coordination to respond to COVID-19. ...

