151-160 of 454 results

Vale restitution? The High Court clarifies remedies available to construction contractors following termination for repudiation
Insight 14 Oct 2019

In a welcome decision for principals engaging contractors for construction work, the High Court has substantially limited the availability of the restitutionary remedy of a quantum meruit where a contractor elects to terminate a contract as a consequence of repudiation. ...

Builders' duty of care for defective works continues to narrow
Insight 23 Sep 2019

A recent UK decision1 continues the judicial trend of limiting the circumstances in which a builder will be liable in negligence for pure economic loss caused by its defective works. ...

Report: securing the missing benefits of Australia's infrastructure boom
Insight 05 Aug 2019

The scale of Australia's infrastructure boom is unprecedented: never before has the country sought to deliver so many complex infrastructure projects in such a short space of time. ...

Propelling city growth: securing the missing benefits of Australia's infrastructure boom
Insight 05 Aug 2019

Australia has a large infrastructure deficit and subsequently, is trying to deliver an unprecedented number of complex projects. ...

Navigating split dispute resolution clauses – where's Google Maps when you need it?
Insight 15 Jul 2019

A recent Supreme Court of Victoria decision sounds a warning to principals and contractors alike – your dispute resolution clause must be clear and unambiguous, because the court will not go out of its way to cure a commercially peculiar, but perfectly workable, clause. ...

What you need to know about the draft Equator Principles 4
Insight 11 Jul 2019

This insight explores the potential impact of changes proposed in the consultation draft of Equator Principles 4 which entails a greater focus on climate change, human rights and social risk. ...

