171-180 of 521 results

Healthcare trend watch 2019
Insight 09 Dec 2019

The healthcare team at Allens reports on some key trends and sectors to look out for in 2020. ...

New government procurement requirements introduced around Australia
Insight 09 Dec 2019

New, wide-reaching requirements for government procurement processes have recently been implemented around Australia, following the ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other Free Trade Agreements with Australia's key trading partners. ...

Report: Australian Infrastructure Investment Report 2019
Insight 15 Nov 2019

Investor appetite for Australian infrastructure remains strong. However, to maintain our status as a leading infrastructure investment destination, we must address systemic issues that are adversely impacting the market, including cost overruns on major projects.  ...

Landlord and tenant rights and obligations to change under Retail Leases Amendment Bill 2019 (Vic)
Insight 05 Nov 2019

Landlords and tenants will see changes to their rights and compliance obligations under retail shop leases as a result of proposed amendments to the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (and regulations) ( ...

The proposed PNG strata title scheme – what will change?
Insight 25 Oct 2019

In a development that is especially relevant to property developers and financial institutions, draft legislation to introduce a Papua New Guinea strata title scheme has been released. ...

Vale restitution? The High Court clarifies remedies available to construction contractors following termination for repudiation
Insight 14 Oct 2019

In a welcome decision for principals engaging contractors for construction work, the High Court has substantially limited the availability of the restitutionary remedy of a quantum meruit where a contractor elects to terminate a contract as a consequence of repudiation. ...

Builders' duty of care for defective works continues to narrow
Insight 23 Sep 2019

A recent UK decision1 continues the judicial trend of limiting the circumstances in which a builder will be liable in negligence for pure economic loss caused by its defective works. ...

