181-190 of 424 results

Consultation begins on the CDR energy rules framework
Insight 11 Aug 2020

An overview of the ACCC's approach to the CDR Rules and CDR data sets for the energy sector, and matters which may require energy-specific rules. This article provides and highlights the key issues which have been left open for further consideration. ...

Independent review recommends fundamental reform of 'archaic, ineffective' EPBC Act
Insight 22 Jul 2020

Eight key recommendations you should be across from the Interim Report of the once-in-a-decade review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act). ...

NT Government sets ambitious climate response and offset reform agenda
Insight 16 Jul 2020

The Northern Territory Government's recently released Climate Response, associated Three-Year Action Plan and environmental offset reform agenda is ambitious, and all stakeholders in the Territory should be aware of the coming changes and related opportunities. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: June 2020
Insight 13 Jul 2020

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of June, as well as take a closer look at AEMO's high-level design for the wholesale demand response mechanism. ...

Pilbara v Ammon: WA Court of Appeal considers the meaning of 'feasibility study' in the context of a joint venture agreement
Insight 08 Jul 2020

The recent decision of Pilbara Iron Ore Pty Ltd v Ammon will be of interest to anyone who deals with farm-in agreements or other resource sector agreements where one party agrees to commission a 'feasibility study'. ...

Opportunities to contribute to Australia's domestic oil storage
Insight 03 Jul 2020

We take a look at the opportunity to contribute to Australia's future domestic oil storage infrastructure pursuant to the Agreement on an International Energy Program, and the key matters to address in an RFI submission. ...

Workplace manslaughter: Victoria's new workplace crime
Insight 03 Jul 2020

Under Victoria's new offence of workplace manslaughter, if a corporation or officer (which can extend to senior managers) is negligent and that results in a fatality, there will be a risk of criminal prosecution. Individuals will risk a lengthy sentence of imprisonment. ...

Targeting net zero: five ways to deliver on carbon reduction targets
Insight 02 Jul 2020

As we move towards a carbon constrained future and electricity prices rise, companies are increasingly looking for ways to deliver on their carbon reduction commitments, including by purchasing electricity from renewable sources, managing their exposure to changing electricity prices and supporting ...

Major changes to Queensland petroleum royalties scheme
Insight 19 Jun 2020

The Queensland Government has announced major reforms to its petroleum royalties regime which will come into force from 1 October 2020. This, and the royalty rates ultimately set, will have implications for the future returns on Queensland petroleum projects. Producers should also review any existing private arrangements that may have relied on the existing wellhead value approach to ensure any unanticipated consequences are resolved prior commencement of the new regime. ...

Amendments to PNG Mining Act and Oil and Gas Act
Insight 18 Jun 2020

The Parliament of PNG has passed a series of amendments targeting the mining, oil and gas industries. We examine the significance of these amendments and the likely next steps.  ...

