11-20 of 177 results

Biodiversity and business: a deep dive into navigating nature

Webinar: Biodiversity and business: a deep dive into navigating nature ...

Next step in delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
Insight 29 Jun 2023

Following the release of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in September 2022, the Queensland Government has revealed draft legislation—the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (Qld). This Insight explores the Draft Bill and identifies key details still to be provided. ...

Healthcare property - an emerging trend for investors
Insight 29 Jun 2023

While investing in healthcare-related property is generally similar to investing in other classes of property, in this Insight we explain some key differences and risks that investors need to be aware of. ...

Sea to grid: offshore wind's potential in Australia

Webinar: Sea to grid: offshore wind's potential in Australia ...

Leveraging technology to accelerate decarbonisation

Webinar: Leveraging technology to accelerate decarbonisation ...

Australian Government locks in final details of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms
Insight 18 May 2023

The Government has released its slate of detailed subordinate legislation that will support the reformed Safeguard Mechanism scheme. This means that the Government has issued the full suite of initial Safeguard Mechanism reforms set to launch on 1 July 2023. ...

How will the Nature Repair Market help your business invest in the environment?
Insight 15 May 2023

The recently introduced Nature Repair Market Bill 2023 has put nature repair projects in the spotlight, presenting an opportunity for businesses to invest in green initiatives that improve the environment. ...

Government's Safeguard Mechanism reforms get the green light
Insight 06 Apr 2023

Parliament has passed the Government's long-anticipated Safeguard Mechanism reforms following a watershed Labor-Greens deal. In this Insight, we focus on the key amendments to the Safeguard Mechanism scheme's architecture that brought the reforms over the line. ...

Government announces major reforms to EPBC Act
Insight 09 Dec 2022

We review the Federal Government's long-awaited response to Professor Graeme Samuel's 2020 review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), titled 'Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business'. ...

Land Court hands down first Native Title Protection Conditions Recommendations Dispute Judgment
Insight 08 Nov 2022

The decision was the first of its kind in relation to the Native Title Protection Conditions (NTPCs), which are conditions that apply to many exploration permits in Queensland. The decision will have implications for explorers with exploration permits granted subject to the NTPCs, and provides guidance on what are reasonable recommendations a native title party can make regarding exploration activities undertaken pursuant to the conditions. ...

