191-200 of 606 results

Dealing with data: emerging trends in M&A transactions
Insight 27 Nov 2019

Data remains one of the most undervalued assets, with most companies still failing to even include it as an asset on their balance sheet. Buyers and sellers who can recognise data assets and properly demonstrate how value can be extracted from them will be best placed for future M&A transactions. ...

The wait is over: Equator Principles 4 is here
Insight 25 Nov 2019

The Equator Principles Association unveiled the finalised fourth version of the Equator Principles (EP4) on 18 November 2019. Set for an effective date of 1 July 2020, EP4 heightens requirements for designated OECD countries and tightens due diligence assessments with a greater focus on human rights, climate change and biodiversity. While there are many improvements and refinements from the draft we reviewed in June, the only potentially material change is a compromise on the 'free prior and informed consent' requirement for affected Indigenous communities. ...

A change is gonna come: new .au domain name licensing rules
Insight 24 Oct 2019

au Domain Administration Ltd, (administrator and self regulatory policy body for the .au ccTLD) has released its draft licencing rules with proposed changes limiting the eligibility for non-Australian entities. ...

What does patentable subject matter Encompass for computer-implemented inventions in Australia?
Insight 24 Oct 2019

In a highly anticipated decision, the Full Bench of the Australian Federal Court recently dismissed the appeal in Encompass Corporation v InfoTrack. Despite the opportunity to clarify the scope of patentability of computer-implemented inventions, the question of what encompasses patentable subject matter remains open. ...

If in doubt, get the whitewash out
Insight 11 Oct 2019

The High Court's first decision on the financial assistance prohibition in section 260A of the Corporations Act supports a conservative approach to the prohibition, and in particular highlights the danger of 'taking a view' on the no material prejudice exception. ...

The Launches and Returns Act: one of the most significant updates to the Space Activities Act since its implementation
Insight 26 Sep 2019

On 31 August 2018, the Space Activities Act 1998 (Cth) (Space Activities Act) was amended by the Space Activities Amendment (Launches & Return) Act 2018 (Cth). ...

