261-270 of 848 results

Carbon farming and the Emissions Reduction Fund / Climate Solutions Fund
Insight 26 May 2020

The legislative regime for the generation of carbon credits from voluntary emissions reduction projects (otherwise known as 'carbon farming') in Australia was first established in 2014. ...

Climate change and project approvals
Insight 26 May 2020

Climate change impacts have for many years been accepted as a relevant consideration in the assessment of planning and environmental applications in Australia. Until recently, the focus of consent authorities has been primarily on the direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a project from owned and ...

State of trade: COVID-19's impacts on trade regulation and supply chain risks
Insight 25 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of international commerce, and will continue do so for some time. In this Insight, we discuss three critical trade-related impacts of the pandemic on Australian businesses. ...

Buyers and sellers beware! Expenditure deductions denied and gains taxed as income
Insight 19 May 2020

Recent decisions handed down by both the High Court and Federal Court in relation to the 'income/capital distinction' and 'blackhole expenditure' have produced a mix of predictable and unexpected, but generally unfavourable, outcomes for taxpayers. Most buyers have been denied deductions for the pur ...

Good practice for exchange traded products: ASIC updates INFO 230 'Exchange traded products: Admission guidelines'
Insight 12 May 2020

On 15 April 2020, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) released updated INFO 230 Exchange traded products: Admission guidelines (INFO 230) which outlines ASIC's view of good practices to help ensure that admission and monitoring standards for exchange traded products (ETPs) continue to support fair, orderly and transparent markets. ...

RBA expands repo eligibility to include corporate bonds
Insight 11 May 2020

The RBA has announced changes aimed at kick-starting demand for corporate bonds in the COVID-19 environment. To take advantage of the RBA's support, corporate treasurers and their financial advisers should consider applying to have their securities eligible for purchase by the RBA, bearing in mind the eligibility criteria we have summarised in this note. ...

Navigating the way forward: steps to prepare your business for the COVID-19 rollback
Insight 06 May 2020

We have prepared a selection of recommendations to help businesses and their senior in-house advisors navigate the challenges arising from a rollback of COVID-19 restrictions and, equally, to identify potential opportunities presented by this rapidly changing legal landscape. ...

The COVIDSafe Bill – good progress, but there's more to do
Insight 06 May 2020

The COVIDSafe app has been marketed as offering privacy 'protected by law'. On Sunday, the Federal Government released an exposure draft of legislation designed to put those protections in place, and to dispel lingering doubts about the app. ...

Toksave - PNG regulatory update: emergency Parliament sitting; K5.6 billion stimulus package passed; two-month extension of state of emergency; and other developments
Insight 06 May 2020

PNG Parliament convened urgent session and passed K5.6 billion stimulus package; 14-day state of emergency extended by another two months, to June 2020; new emergency laws enacted; Bank of PNG announced new monetary and fiscal measures; IRC granted tax exemptions; IPA waived certain company statutory obligations; superannuation funds announced proposed amendments to superannuation law; PNG Government refused extension of Barrick special mining lease; and proposed plan for freight subsidies for air and sea transport. ...

Overhaul of Victorian environmental laws delayed until 1 July 2021
Insight 29 Apr 2020

The Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 (Vic) (EP Act), which was set to commence on 1 July 2020 (and overhaul environmental laws in Victoria) will now commence on1 July 2021 as part of a suite of emergency measures in response to COVID-19. Our team looks at the COVID-19 Act and how it relates ...

