441-450 of 695 results for 'consumer data right'

The importance of getting your entitlement ducks in a row
Insight 31 Oct 2018

Ownership and inventorship disputes are a hot topic before the Australian Patent Office (the APO) in 2018. Earlier this year, we reported on the APO decision in Khoury v Sherrard Pty Ltd [2018] APO 20, which highlighted the need to carefully assess the contributions of all those involved in developi ...

Victory for software innovators as APO gets ROKTed
Insight 19 Dec 2018

Australian start-up ROKT has had a major win in the fight for software-related inventions. Senior Associate and Patent Attorney Pasquale Aliberti considers the ramifications. ...

IP rights in the COVID-19 pandemic – the story so far
Insight 01 Sep 2021

With the timely supply of effective COVID-19 vaccines insufficient to meet global demand, there has been speculation that the compulsory licence and Crown use (or government authorisation) provisions would be invoked. This from the early stages of the pandemic has thrust IP rights into the spotlight ...

DABUS ignites debate on AI inventorship
Insight 26 Feb 2020

Patent offices in the UK and Europe, UKIPO and EPO have rejected Stephen Thaler's DABUS application naming artificial intelligence as inventors. Both patent offices found that DABUS, being a machine, could hold no rights and could not transfer any rights as the inventor to the applicant as successor ...

Australia rebranded? A new logo in tough times for trade and travel
Insight 28 Aug 2020

Australia's new 'wattle' logo is intended to represent Australia in the international trade arena. Detailed arrangements governing its use are still to come. Stay alert for details of forthcoming governance arrangements which will define the circumstances in which the new logo can be applied. ...

The ACCC looking to the future – what is a 'representation with respect to a future matter'?
Insight 28 Aug 2019

After losses in the Federal Court, the ACCC has now appealed decisions in cases against Kimberly-Clark and Woolworths. In both cases, the ACCC alleged that misleading representations were made with respect to future matters. ...

Aged care reform: back on the agenda
Insight 05 Aug 2022

In this Insight, we focus in on the key regulatory enforcement and provider governance reforms to be implemented under the Royal Commission Response Bill and the implications for approved providers. ...

Major reform of Queensland resource regulation proposed
Insight 21 Sep 2015

Wide-ranging reforms to the legislative regime for resource tenures in Queensland for all commodity types have been proposed Partners Ben Zillmann and John Hedge and Senior Associate Giselle Kilvert consider the proposals and what they mean for the states resource sector ...

Treasury Wine secures important court win in China to protect Penfolds brand
Insight 01 Sep 2022

A subsidiary of Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) has succeeded in a claim against a trader operating in China (East Bright Sunshine) to protect the Penfolds brand. This will be a welcome result for brands looking to enforce their rights against infringers in China. Brand owners should consider their trade mark protection and enforcement strategies in China. ...

COVID-19 and class action risk – some (early) lessons for Australia from overseas
Insight 16 Apr 2020

As COVID-19 spreads throughout Australia and the world, its impact is being felt across every industry. With the pandemic at a relatively early stage, the virus has disrupted supply chains and shuttered businesses, resulting in record levels of unemployment and unprecedented market volatility. ...

