41-50 of 134 results

Financing the green hydrogen revolution – key bankability issues
Insight 31 May 2022

Developers and financiers will need to take a long-term view on the market and navigate a myriad of bankability issues to secure external bank debt. In this Insight we explore some of these key challenges. ...

Sustainable procurement: five tips to manage ESG risk in your supply chain contracts
Insight 30 May 2022

Suppliers and service providers are a critical input into an organisation's ESG footprint, with supply chain contracts offering a key opportunity for businesses to realise their ESG goals. We provide our top tips on how businesses can optimise their supply chain contracts to meet ESG objectives. ...

2022-2023 Budget update – concessional tax rates expanded to agricultural sector and low emissions technology innovations
Insight 12 Apr 2022

In its 2022–23 Budget, the Federal Government announced an expansion of its proposed concessional tax rates to agricultural and low emissions technology innovations. These concessional tax rates for profits derived from eligible intellectual property are known as a 'patent box'. ...

The new draft Taskforce for Nature-Related Financial Disclosure framework: is biodiversity next in corporate ESG reporting?
Insight 07 Apr 2022

The TNFD recently released the first beta version of its reporting framework. Modelled on the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, the framework seeks to establish a method for companies to identify, assess and report on material nature-related risks and opportunities. ...

Three things to consider with ESG investing
Insight 22 Feb 2022

Alongside record flows into sustainable funds and investments, growing attention on ESG presents opportunities and challenges for investors and fund managers alike. Watch our latest video on key steps to harnessing the opportunities and mitigating the risks that ESG investing brings. ...

The era of responsibility – top ESG trends for 2022
Insight 15 Feb 2022

Environmental, Social and Governance issues continue to create a paradigm shift in the way businesses are run.2022 looks to be another big year in the space, with those slow to adapt getting left behind. We break down key ESG trends to watch for in 2022. ...

Four key legal developments NSW mine operators need to watch in 2022
Insight 11 Feb 2022

NSW mine operators should closely monitor the trends emerging from planning and court decisions, particularly operators with upcoming expansions or new projects that will require new or modified approvals. It is also important for mine operators to be across the numerous pending legal reforms which will come into effect in 2022 and ensure they are complying with the new requirements. ...

Global ESG themes shaping the Australian legal outlook
Insight 02 Feb 2022

2022 will provide a practical demonstration of the appetite for ESG-led change that governments, major corporates and financial institutions all have, and how far this will feed into smaller businesses and everyday life. We explore key ESG themes shaping the legal outlook for businesses in 2022. ...

Net-zero by 2050: implications for Australia's electricity sector

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: implications for Australia's electricity sector ...

What does COP26 mean for Australian business?
Insight 02 Dec 2021

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently concluded its 26th Conference of Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP26) in Glasgow, which placed a major spotlight on climate issues. Together with the Glasgow Climate Pact, a suite of announcements signal important changes and opportunities. In this Insight we unpack some of the key outcomes from COP26 and what they mean for Australian businesses. ...

