41-50 of 167 results

Get your data retention and destruction program up and running
Insight 28 Oct 2022

This Insight outlines the regulatory, operational and technical complexities at issue, and summarises the six steps you can take now to accelerate (or initiate) a data retention and destruction program. ...

Vietnam issues new guidance on data localisation requirement
Insight 25 Aug 2022

More than three years after the Cybersecurity Law came into force, Vietnam's Government has finally issued guidance for its implementation under Decree No. 53/2022/ND-CP. In this Insight we examine this requirement and its implications for Vietnamese and foreign businesses. ...

Software-based medical devices: key regulatory requirements, IP considerations and data privacy implications
Insight 29 Jul 2022

Software is increasingly being used as a medical device and in medical devices. It is crucial that businesses understand the regulations that can apply to software-based medical devices, the IP considerations if they wish to protect such devices and the privacy-related risks associated with the collection and use of data from such devices. This Insight explores each of these issues in turn. ...

Consultation sought on Queensland's privacy and right to information reforms
Insight 30 Jun 2022

The recently released consultation paper on Queensland's privacy and right to information framework outlines significant proposed reforms. This Insight explains the key suggested changes and their potential impacts. ...

Sustainable procurement: five tips to manage ESG risk in your supply chain contracts
Insight 30 May 2022

Suppliers and service providers are a critical input into an organisation's ESG footprint, with supply chain contracts offering a key opportunity for businesses to realise their ESG goals. We provide our top tips on how businesses can optimise their supply chain contracts to meet ESG objectives. ...

Federal Court finds cyber risk management is a critical obligation for financial services firms
Insight 06 May 2022

The Federal Court handed down its judgment in proceedings brought by ASIC against RI Advice on 5 May 20221. It found that, as result of its failure to manage cyber security risks and cyber resilience, RI Advice breached its obligations to do all things necessary to ensure that the financial services covered by the licence were provided efficiently and fairly, and to have adequate risk management systems in place. ...

Everything you need to know about cyber risks, resilience and responsibilities
Insight 02 May 2022

Organisations today are both blessed and cursed with extraordinary amounts of data. The responsibility for information security and data governance starts and ends with the board and senior management. We offer a handbook to help navigate duties and liabilities and a checklist of questions directors should be asking. ...

Just in time: the full spectrum of amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure regime now passed
Insight 22 Apr 2022

The final anticipated amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth) (SOCI Act) have been passed in the nick of time, making their way through the Senate in its last sitting before the 2022 Federal Election. These latest amendments introduce new and enhanced obligations for risk management programs and security respectively, and the concept of ‘systems of national significance’. ...

Have your say: government opens consultation on ADM and AI regulatory frameworks
Insight 30 Mar 2022

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is inviting responses to its recently released issues paper (Issues Paper) to inform future digital economy regulation in the areas of automated decision making (ADM) and artificial intelligence (AI). ...

Federal Court clears path for the OAIC to pursue its privacy proceedings against Facebook
Insight 24 Feb 2022

A full bench of the Federal Court has confirmed an earlier ruling that there was a prima facie case Facebook Inc (now Meta Platforms Inc) 'carries on a business' and collects personal information in Australia. With this decision, the Australian Information Commissioner can now proceed with the landmark case against Facebook Inc and Facebook Ireland Ltd in relation to a number of alleged breaches of the Australian Privacy Principles. ...

