51-60 of 193 results

Super fund direct investment in public M&A

Webinar: The M&A Conference 2021: Super fund direct investment in public M&A ...

Regulatory and completion risks in public M&A

Webinar: The M&A Conference 2021: Regulatory and completion risks in public M&A ...

ACCC's proposals to overhaul Australia's merger control regime
Insight 01 Sep 2021

Merger reform has been on the agenda in Australia for some time, but the ACCC's announcement kicks off the debate in earnest. Allens will be monitoring these discussions and actively participating in the debate about the need for, and content of, any proposed changes. ...

Trends, thematics and global developments

Webinar: The M&A Conference 2021 ...

ACCC seeks overhaul of Australia's merger regime: what you need to know
Insight 27 Aug 2021

The Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Rod Sims outlined the ACCC's vision for a dramatic overhaul of Australia's merger review regime. Here's what you need to know. ...

PE Horizons 2021: market update
Insight 02 Aug 2021

With strategic bidders and foreign government acquirers on the side lines, 2021 may be the busiest ever for PE dealmakers ...

Global remedies for global transactions – what makes the ACCC take a different approach?
Insight 26 Jul 2021

As global M&A activity surges, we address the challenges your global deal could face, focusing on the likelihood that the ACCC accepts additional and/or separate remedies to those provided to merger control agencies in other jurisdictions. ...

Changes to FIRB Guidance Notes
Insight 26 Jul 2021

The Australian Government has finalised and released legislation to make major changes to Australia's foreign investment laws – commonly known as the 'FIRB regime' – with effect from 1 January 2021. This Insight summarises the key changes to the FIRB regime. ...

Mandatory FIRB approval thresholds for acquisitions in Australian entities
Insight 23 Jun 2021

On, 1 January 2021 significant changes came into effect to Australia's (FIRB) remine.  To help you navigate the complexities of these new rules we have compiled a summary of the thresholds for determining whether a proposed acquisition of equity interests triggers an obligation to obtain 'FIRB approval' under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth) (FATA). ...

Transferring jurisdiction over schemes from the courts to the Takeovers Panel
Insight 17 Jun 2021

In the federal budget, the Treasurer announced funding for a public consultation process to consider broadening the jurisdiction of the Takeovers Panel to include members' schemes of arrangement. The idea of transferring jurisdiction over schemes from the courts to the Panel is not a new one. ...

