1-10 of 325 results

The future of mergers in Australia: Treasury's proposed new framework
Insight 26 Jul 2024

The Federal Government has released draft legislation for consultation to implement reform to Australia's merger laws following its announcement in April that Australia is moving to a mandatory and suspensory administrative merger regime from 1 January 2026. ...

Optus class action privilege claims rejected
Insight 31 May 2024

The Full Federal Court has refused Optus' appeal from a Federal Court decision rejecting its legal privilege claim over a factual investigation report commissioned in response to a data breach, on the basis that Optus had not established that the report was prepared for the dominant purpose of legal ...

Takeaways from recent guidance on cyber incident disclosure obligations for listed companies
Insight 28 May 2024

In this Insight, we examine the guidance note and related developments and offer our view as to when disclosure (for the purposes of the ASX listing rule requirements) of cyber incidents should generally only occur. ...

Guide to AI Procurement
Insight 07 May 2024

As generative artificial intelligence moves from pilot to production, organisations are grappling with the push to rapidly procure AI tools while appropriately managing the risks. ...

How to prepare for, and execute, a successful exit
Insight 07 May 2024

After a relatively subdued 2023, we are predicting that the rest of 2024 will prove to be the year of the exit, with improving macroeconomic conditions providing the ideal environment for the exit of a number of high-quality assets. ...

Reforms to strengthen and streamline the FIRB regime
Insight 02 May 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Australian Treasurer announced reforms to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) framework, to make it stronger, more streamlined and more transparent. On the same day, the Government released an updated Foreign Investment Policy document, setting out the reforms. ...

Treasurer hails fifth wave of competition reform with changes to merger clearance rules
Insight 10 Apr 2024

The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers MP, announced today that the Government is moving ahead with its plans to introduce significant changes to Australia's merger clearance rules. ...

Why organisations must embed mental health and wellbeing support into cyber incident response planning
Insight 20 Mar 2024

Mental health and wellbeing support for cyber professionals, incident response teams and staff targeted in cyber incidents, is now essential to cyber risk management and incident response planning. ...

AICD's guide for directors on governing through a cyber crisis
Insight 13 Mar 2024

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) published 'Governing through a cyber crisis: cyber incident response and recovery for Australian directors'. We provide our observations, commentary and suggested next steps. ...

Lessons in shareholder activism
Insight 16 Jan 2024

The Australian Takeovers Panel has confirmed what most market participants suspected: a shareholder cannot acquire a substantial (5%+) long position in a target company and seek to influence its affairs without fully disclosing its position to the market. ...

