111-118 of 118 results

NT Government sets ambitious climate response and offset reform agenda
Insight 16 Jul 2020

The Northern Territory Government's recently released Climate Response, associated Three-Year Action Plan and environmental offset reform agenda is ambitious, and all stakeholders in the Territory should be aware of the coming changes and related opportunities. ...

Targeting net zero: climate change is putting governance to the test
Insight 16 Jun 2020

It is a financial imperative to actively navigate the risks and opportunities that the carbon transition presents. It follows, therefore, that corporate strategy in relation to climate risks and opportunities is no longer appropriately housed solely in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) or s ...

A 'high risk' jurisdiction: climate change and directors' duties
Insight 26 May 2020

Australian law requires certain standards of conduct of company directors, including that directors act in the best interests of the company and exercise care and diligence in performing their role. ...

Carbon farming and the Emissions Reduction Fund / Climate Solutions Fund
Insight 26 May 2020

The legislative regime for the generation of carbon credits from voluntary emissions reduction projects (otherwise known as 'carbon farming') in Australia was first established in 2014. ...

Disclosure of climate-related financial risk: major change is imminent
Insight 26 May 2020

There has been a global proliferation of voluntary reporting standards that companies might adopt with respect to disclosure of climate change-related financial risk. ...

Emissions regulation and liability – NGERs and the Safeguard Mechanism
Insight 26 May 2020

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme requires some companies to account for the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions they are responsible for. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions for which a company is responsible, whilst scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the purchase o ...

National Energy Guarantee - the emissions requirement in Australia's carbon policy landscape
Insight 23 May 2018

Following the recent release of the National Energy Guarantee High Level Design Document Partner Jillian Button xand Lawyer Dale Straughen consider how the proposed emissions reduction requirement of the Guarantee will interact with Australias existing emissions reduction policies This article is ...

'Safety net' or 'trampoline'? Emissions safeguard mechanism draft rules released
Insight 09 Sep 2015

The Federal Government has released its draft rules for the emissions safeguard mechanism which will impose financial penalties of up to 18 million on businesses that emit more than their allocated emissions baselines ...
