131-140 of 671 results

Corporate crime, policymakers and the major developments for 2023
Insight 22 Dec 2022

2022 saw increased attention from policymakers in relation to corporate crime, with developments proposed or adopted to improve the capacity of the courts to hear criminal cases and increase ...

2022 ISDA Verified Carbon Credit Transactions Definitions go live
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The International Swap and Derivatives Association Inc (ISDA) published the 2022 ISDA Verified Carbon Credits Definitions which provide standard definitions and confirmation templates for spot, forward and option transactions in verified carbon credits (VCCs) under the ISDA Master Agreement. ...

Sustainability reporting – what you need to know to be prepared for the ISSB Standards
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The International Sustainability Standards Board (the ISSB), established by the IFRS Foundation at COP26 in November 2021, is currently developing a global framework for sustainability- and climate- related financial disclosures. ...

Preparing for a National Anti-Corruption Commission
Insight 19 Dec 2022

The Commonwealth Parliament has passed the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022 (Cth) (NACC Bill), paving the way for a National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to commence operations by mid-2023. ...

Insurance coverage for climate litigation: taking the temperature from US case law
Insight 12 Dec 2022

In this Insight, we profile some of the key cases and highlight potential barriers that policyholders may face in recovering the costs of climate litigation. ...

Government announces major reforms to EPBC Act
Insight 09 Dec 2022

We review the Federal Government's long-awaited response to Professor Graeme Samuel's 2020 review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), titled 'Nature Positive Plan: better for the environment, better for business'. ...

APRA releases Prudential Practice Guide SPG 530 (Investment Governance) for consultation
Insight 07 Dec 2022

APRA has released for consultation its draft Prudential Practice Guide (Investment Governance) (SPG 530), which updates its existing guidance (now nearly a decade old) on how RSE licensees should practically implement updated Prudential Standard SPS 530 (SPS 530). ...

Best practice ESG due diligence for energy investments
Insight 30 Nov 2022

This Insight explores proven ways dealmakers can close energy deals efficiently, while maximising value creation and managing ESG risks. ...

Planning for fair winds ahead: key risks for disputes in the Australian offshore wind industry
Insight 29 Nov 2022

In this Insight, we outline some of the key risks which might give rise to disputes and how those risks can best be managed as Australia aims for fair winds ahead. ...

Diversity and inclusion in the boardroom and beyond
Insight 24 Nov 2022

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) continues to be an important ESG consideration for companies. In this Insight, we cover some of the key Australian and international D&I-related legal, regulatory and commercial developments. ...
