11-20 of 137 results

Net-zero by 2050: navigating Australia's evolving carbon market

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: Navigating Australia's evolving carbon market ...

COP27: what does this mean for businesses around the world?

COP27 – What does this mean for businesses around the world? ...

Net-zero by 2050: big batteries are a critical part of the transition

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: big batteries are a critical part of the transition ...

What is the future for natural gas in Australia?

Webinar: What is the future for natural gas in Australia? ...

A changing environment: key legal issues for NSW Government

Webinar: A changing environment: key legal issues for NSW Government ...

Mandatory climate-related financial reporting: business implications of the draft legislation
Insight 14 Feb 2024

On 12 January 2024, the Federal Government released the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill: Climate-related financial disclosure. In this Insight, we explain key elements of the Draft Legislation, including areas of uncertainty that have been raised in submissions to government. ...

TNFD Recommendations to prompt a step change in nature risk management and disclosure
Insight 10 Oct 2023

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures recommendations (the TNFD Recommendations) provide a means to standardise nature-related risk management and reporting, and to capitalise on nature-related opportunities. ...

Fuel for thought: is SAF the safe bet?
Insight 29 Sep 2023

In this Insight , we look at the challenge posed by the Aviation Green Paper ( the Paper ) for the Australian aviation sector to lead the transition to net zero. Released on 7 September 2023, the ...

First NSW REZ access auction – a guide to LTESAs and access rights
Insight 20 Sep 2023

The competitive tenders for long-term energy service agreements (LTESAs) are underway, forming part of the delivery of the NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap by the State Government. This Insight gives a high-level overview of the key terms of LTESAs and the REZ access rights agreements. ...
