261-270 of 459 results

APRA proposes cross-industry framework for management of information security
Insight 03 May 2018

APRA has released for consultation its first prudential standard of information security Prudential Standard CPS 234 Information Security CPS 234 - a key response to the growing threat of cyber attacks ...

ASIC tweaks employee incentive scheme relief
Insight 12 Nov 2015

Various amendments to ASICs employee incentive scheme class order relief have now come into effect Described by ASIC as minor and machinery in nature the clarifications and improvements were prompted in part by market feedback Partner Greg Bosmans looks at the changes ...

Amendments reduce compliance burden for ASX-listed NZ companies
Insight 01 Sep 2015

ASX has released a number of proposed amendments to the ASX Foreign Exempt Listing Rules that will significantly lower both the ongoing compliance burden and the admission thresholds for New Zealand companies already listed or seeking a listing on ASX Partner Robert Pick Senior Associate Georgie ...

ASIC to seek recovery of investigation costs
Insight 31 Jul 2015

This week ASIC flagged a change in its approach to the exercise of its power to make orders to recover expenses and costs associated with investigations Information Sheet 204 indicates that ASIC will be making greater use of this power to seek recovery of its costs from individuals and companies ...

The final analysis: Updates to ASX Guidance Note 8 on Continuous Disclosure take effect
Insight 14 Jul 2015

Earlier this year ASX issued a consultation paper on proposed changes to Guidance Note 8 that sought to clarify existing continuous disclosure policy ASX has now released its consultation response together with the final version of Guidance Note 8 which took effect on 1 July 2015 While the final ...

Release of 3rd Edition Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
Insight 10 Apr 2014

The ASX Corporate Governance Council has released the 3rd edition of its Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations Although the 3rd edition largely reflects the amendments proposed in the earlier consultation draft released in August 2013 a number of new amendments have been added that ...

Strengthening member outcomes in superannuation - APRA's proposals
Insight 15 Dec 2017

APRA this week released a discussion paper and draft prudential standards and practice guides. This Insight considers the significant changes it will lead to across the industry. ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 05 Dec 2017

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Draft whistleblower legislation puts onus on big business
Insight 25 Oct 2017

Big business should be aware of mandatory publishing requirements for whistleblower policies and a reverse onus of proof for compensation which is among a raft of whistleblower reforms contained in draft legislation released following a Senate inquiry report Partner Rachel Nicolson and Associate ...

Rising from the ashes - Treasury seeks input on combating illegal phoenix activity
Insight 06 Oct 2017

Keeping up the momentum from the recent passing of its insolvent trading safe harbour and ipso facto legislation the Federal Treasury has released a consultation paper containing a package of reforms to deter and disrupt illegal phoenix activity Partner Alf Pappalardo and Lawyer Belinda Hennessy ...
