371-380 of 703 results for 'consumer data right'

Bold and sometimes radical - the final Murray report
Insight 07 Dec 2014

The Financial System Inquirys final report has been released We havent tested this with Word Cloud but we think the report can best be encapsulated in the word however The financial system has held up well however And what follows the however is often bold and sometimes radical There are five ...

Booking.com not so generic.com in the US?
Insight 28 Aug 2020

The US Supreme Court held that Booking.com is not a generic term and can be registered as a trade mark, presenting an opportunity for online businesses trading in the US under 'generic.com' domain names to seek trade mark registration. ...

Media control and ownership: (re)starting the discussion
Insight 13 Jun 2014

A policy background paper on media control and ownership released by the federal Department of Communications aims to restart the discussion on media law reform The paper does not draw conclusions or make recommendations but adopts a deregulatory tone Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Matt Vitins ...

The Federal Court's first look at enablement and support
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The Federal Court has taken a first look at the enablement and support provisions of section 40 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (the Act) as amended by the 'Raising the Bar' Act 2012 (Cth) (RTB). ...

Federal Court closes the tap on Urban Ale trade mark
Insight 30 Apr 2020

In an attempt to sue La Sirène for trade mark infringement, Urban Alley Brewery lost the registration rights to its 'Urban Ale' trade mark, for lack of distinctiveness. We explore how attempting to enforce its trade mark registration rights backfired for Urban Alley. ...

Why is the TGA alleging copyright infringement against Craig Kelly's text messages?
Insight 28 Oct 2021

The reproduction of selected extracts from the DAEN on a website controlled by Craig Kelly's United Australia Party (UAP) without the consent of the Federal Government as copyright owner, is likely to amount to copyright infringement. ...

Copyright in the Aboriginal flag
Insight 30 Oct 2020

A Senate Select Committee established to look into the flag's copyright and licensing arrangements recently rejected an approach that would that would see the Government compulsorily acquire the copyright of an Aboriginal artist. ...

Captive to no one: Australian Government releases its Ransomware Action Plan
Insight 18 Oct 2021

The Department for Home Affairs has released the Australian Government's Ransomware Action Plan (the Plan). This development forms part of the Government's Cyber Strategy and is the latest in a series of actions taken by the Government to combat the escalating threat of ransomware and extortion. ...

The economic outlook for 2022 (and beyond): exploring the key opportunities and trends in M&A, funds, energy and sustainable finance

Webinar: The economic outlook for 2022 (and beyond): exploring the key opportunities and trends in M&A, funds, energy and sustainable finance ...

Ultra Tune's small victory in Franchising Code case
Insight 24 Oct 2019

Earlier this year, InIP reported on a case brought by the ACCC alleging various breaches of the Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes – Franchising) Regulation 2014 (Franchising Code). Ultra Tune Australia Pty Ltd (Ultra Tune) was found to have committed numerous breaches of the Franchising Code. ...
