531-540 of 672 results

Court finds PZ Cussons spotless in alleged laundry detergent cartel
Insight 19 Jan 2018

Allens acted for PZ Cussons in successfully defending the first contested hub and spoke cartel case brought by the ACCC ...

Linklaters Insights: Business Crime Quarterly
Insight 19 Jan 2018

In the Business Crime Quarterly Autumn 2017 edition our global alliance partner Linklaters examined the extent to which international regulators and prosecutors are increasingly working together to tackle economic crime We contributed summaries on the recently published judgment in the Tabcorp civil ...

Proposed Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme to shine light on foreign interests lobbying
Insight 20 Dec 2017

The Federal Government has introduced into Parliament legislation that if passed will create the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme which will require persons and entities who have arrangements with or undertake activities for foreign principals to meet certain registration obligations The scheme ...

Attorney-General announces class action inquiry
Insight 18 Dec 2017

The Attorney-General has announced that he has asked the Australian Law Reform Commission to inquire into class action proceedings and third party litigation funders The inquiry presents an important opportunity to take stock of how the class actions landscape has evolved particularly whether ...

Australian Modern Slavery Act: Final Report recommends mandatory supply chain reporting with penalties for non-compliance
Insight 14 Dec 2017

After a year-long inquiry a parliamentary committee has recommended that Australia establish a Modern Slavery Act including mandatory reporting for large businesses on modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains The introduction of a Modern Slavery Act is set to be a game-changer with ...

Christmas comes early for the AFP and CDPP: Bill introduced to reform foreign bribery laws and introduce DPA scheme
Insight 08 Dec 2017

The Australian Government has introduced the Crimes Legislation Amendment Combatting Corporate Crime Bill 2017 into the Senate which if passed into law will significantly strengthen Australias foreign bribery laws and introduce a Deferred Prosecution Agreement scheme for resolving corporate criminal ...

ASIC publishes draft funds management guidance
Insight 27 Oct 2017

ASIC has released draft updates to four existing Regulatory Guides and drafts of two new Regulatory Guides for managed investment schemes corporate collective investment vehicles and passport funds and announced a consultation period which will run until 8 December Partners Marc Kemp and Penny ...

Federal Court sheds new light on public benefit test in Tatts/Tabcorp merger appeal
Insight 11 Oct 2017

The Federal Courts decision about the proposed TabcorpTatts merger has provided significant clarification about the public benefit test for authorisations This is timely in light of the legislation before the Senate that proposes to combine the Tribunal authorisation process with the formal ACCC ...

Senate calls for rewards and increased protections for whistleblowers
Insight 03 Oct 2017

A broadened definition of whistleblower reforms to establish greater protections for whistleblowers and increased sanctions for retaliatory conduct are some of the recommendations by a Senate committee looking into whistleblower protections in the corporate public and not-for-profit sector We expect ...

Vulnerable Workers Bill passes into law
Insight 08 Sep 2017

Franchisors and holding companies should be aware that they can be held liable for breaches of employment law by their franchisees and subsidiaries when the Vulnerable Workers Bill, which has passed both Houses of Parliament, receives royal assent. ...
