81-90 of 4167 results

Class action risk 2022
Insight 16 Mar 2022

Class action risk is changing. While filings remain high, consumer claims now dominate and, for the first time in over a decade, the banking sector is not the biggest target.  ...

Class action risk 2023
Insight 02 Mar 2023

In this year's report we explore the key themes of class action risk from 2022, explain how and why it's evolved and what this evolution can mean for you throughout 2023. ...

PE Horizons 2023
Insight 15 Feb 2023

Key PE trends from 2022 and what these mean for the Australian and global markets in 2023. ...

Sectors & Services

Many organisations have the need to verify documents to demonstrate the integrity of statements and to build confidence in the accuracy of information being disclosed. We transform a manual process by automatically scanning documents and marking up each statement that needs verification. ...

Contract Analytics & Review
Sectors & Services

Due diligence and contract review is an important component of transactions. We leverage cutting-edge, machine-learning technology and our internal technical expertise to increase the efficiency of due diligence and contract review exercises. ...

Dawn Raid Response
Sectors & Services

With increasing levels of scrutiny, regulators are conducting simultaneous raids in a number of countries. Allens' Dawn Raid Response offers guidance on raids by regulators like the ACCC, ATO, ASIC and AFP. ...

Online Compliance Training
Sectors & Services

With regulators increasingly scrutinising corporate conduct and behaviour, Allens' online compliance training helps your organisation stay on top of the legal risks and supports your risk management framework. In addition to face-to-face ...

Flexible Resourcing Options
Sectors & Services

We understand that finding the right legal support for the right job can be challenging. We can identify the right people to embed in your team, or supplement the teams of Allens lawyers working on your matters to ensure a high-quality, cost-effective outcome. ...

Contract Assist
Sectors & Services

Organisations that are required to create large volumes of documents in short periods often have to carefully balance speed against accuracy, Contract Assist means our clients need no longer make a choice. ...

Transactions Solutions
Sectors & Services

In today’s dynamic business environment, transactions can be a significant and transformative undertaking. We leverage the right mix of technologies and techniques to facilitate the management of a transaction from start to finish.  ...
