61-70 of 4167 results

Check your cyber readiness and resilience: a four point guide for early-stage companies

This insight is a checklist of key items to help uplift your organisation's cyber readiness (ie its preparedness for a cyberattack) and resilience (ie its ability to withstand and recover from a cyberattack). ...

Cap table management: the perils of a large number of shareholders

2021 saw record levels of equity investment into Australian startups and scaleups. The abundance of equity capital being raised by Australian startups and scaleups from a diverse range of investors means that we frequently encounter proprietary companies with significant numbers of shareholders on their registers. ...

Featured founders

Last year was a busy one for our Allens Accelerate clients. We caught up with two founders whose businesses celebrated major milestones in 2021. ...

Digital Transformation
Sectors & Services

The ability to thrive in an increasingly digital world is critical to survival. We help organisations navigate and leverage the legal, regulatory and commercial landscape, to turn their digital transformation vision to reality. ...

Technology & Outsourcing
Sectors & Services

Companies across all sectors are increasingly using and relying on technology in every facet of their businesses.  This spans the deployment of back-office systems for streamlining processes and realising efficiencies, to a more ...

PE Horizons 2024: fortune favours the brave
Insight 12 Feb 2024

Key PE trends from 2023 and what these mean for the Australian and global markets in 2024. ...

Class action risk 2024
Insight 18 Mar 2024

Class action filings rebounded in 2023, making it the second biggest year for filings of all time. While consumer claims continue to dominate, claims from shareholders and employees remain significant areas of risk. ...

Reflections and projections: Insights from our Linklaters alumni partners

Stories Introducing Airlie - our own GPT We were recently joined by Linklaters partners (and Allens alumni) Ross Schloeffel and Nicole Meyer. They spent a jam-packed week visiting clients and colleagues in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, ...

Our 2023 Values Awards

Stories This week Richard Spurio announced the winners of the 2023 Allens Values Awards.  Each year these awards provide an opportunity to celebrate the incredible work that has been happening around the firm and to share the stories of ...

Seizing opportunities in the energy transition
Insight 23 Aug 2024

There's so much about Australia's energy transition that should be better explained to those who aren't energy experts, but ultimately need to participate in this shift on behalf of their firms. ...
