1-10 of 37 results

Understanding 'adequate procedures' – a key element in Australia's foreign bribery law reforms
Insight 08 May 2024

In the wake of the new 'failure to prevent' offence, the Commonwealth Attorney-General is required to publish guidance on the steps that can be taken to prevent an associate from bribing foreign ...

The third time's the charm: foreign bribery reform in Australia
Insight 01 Mar 2024

After two unsuccessful attempts to strengthen foreign bribery laws, the passage of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Foreign Bribery) Bill 2023 (CFB Bill) finally introduces new, broader foreign bribery offences for body corporates. ...

The National Anti-Corruption Commission in action
Insight 09 Oct 2023

New anti-corruption watchdog, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (the NACC ), has now been operating for 100 days, and has already received more than 1200 referrals and opened three ...

2023 corporate crime landscape: interim update
Insight 24 Aug 2023

This interim update summarises the major developments in Australia's corporate crime landscape of 2023 so far. With increased exposure, scrutiny and penalties, it is ever more vital to ensure your organisation is taking steps to be compliant with the evolving corporate crime landscape. ...

Corporate crime, policymakers and the major developments for 2023
Insight 22 Dec 2022

2022 saw increased attention from policymakers in relation to corporate crime, with developments proposed or adopted to improve the capacity of the courts to hear criminal cases and increase ...

Preparing for a National Anti-Corruption Commission
Insight 19 Dec 2022

The Commonwealth Parliament has passed the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022 (Cth) (NACC Bill), paving the way for a National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to commence operations by mid-2023. ...

The post-election anti-bribery landscape
Insight 24 Jun 2022

In this Insight, we consider how federal anti-bribery laws may evolve under the Albanese government, and comment on its possible use of sanctions. ...

Long-awaited sanctions reform may result in more dispersed sanctions risk
Insight 08 Dec 2021

Last year, the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (the committee) recommended enacting legislation to establish a worldwide human rights sanctions regime. Last week, the government's response was tabled in Parliament. ...

Linklaters Insights: Anti-bribery and corruption law and enforcement across the globe
Insight 06 Dec 2021

An understanding of the global reach of anti-bribery and corruption regulation, as well as the application of it within a specific jurisdiction, is key to managing risk for today’s international businesses. ...
