1-10 of 284 results

Green shoots: digging into the ACCC's draft guidelines on sustainability collaborations
Insight 15 Jul 2024

Climate change has been described as a 'defining challenge' for humanity. In these circumstances, it is timely that the ACCC has released its draft guide on the interaction between sustainability collaborations and Australian competition law (the Draft Guide). ...

Nature-related risks should be at the top of the boardroom agenda: key steps directors should take to manage these risks
Insight 14 Jun 2024

Nature-related risks and opportunities have fast become a hot topic of discussion in Australian boardrooms. Investors have warned that boards and executives need to be upskilled on nature-related risks to be ready for what is to come. ...

Switzerland found to have contravened European Convention on Human Rights in responding to climate change
Insight 13 Jun 2024

The European Court of Human Rights (the ECHR) has recently delivered a decision concerning the human rights impacts of climate change in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v Switzerland (European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Application No 53600/20, 9 April 2024) (Verein). ...

Mandatory human rights due diligence in the mainstream – what the CS3D means for companies
Insight 23 May 2024

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) has been approved by the EU Council and EU Parliament and is expected to be formally adopted in coming months. The CS3D will establish a due diligence standard on sustainability issues and create potential legal liability for in-scope co ...

Understanding 'adequate procedures' – a key element in Australia's foreign bribery law reforms
Insight 08 May 2024

In the wake of the new 'failure to prevent' offence, the Commonwealth Attorney-General is required to publish guidance on the steps that can be taken to prevent an associate from bribing foreign ...

The expectation of continuous improvement in combating modern slavery
Insight 09 Apr 2024

There is an expectation that businesses demonstrate continuous improvement in their response to modern slavery and reporting under Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the MSA). ...

Sanctions Regime in Australia
Insight 21 Feb 2024

We outline the key aspects of the Australian Sanctions Regime, the practical issues that corporations may encounter when implementing and managing their sanctions compliance frameworks, as well as some recent case studies to illustrate how the regime can apply. ...

What's on the horizon for business and human rights – 2023 themes and 2024 predictions
Insight 15 Feb 2024

The focus on businesses' obligations regarding human rights has grown considerably in recent years. In this Insight, we identify some of the central business and human rights themes from 2023, and set out our predictions for the year ahead. ...

Mandatory climate-related financial reporting: business implications of the draft legislation
Insight 14 Feb 2024

On 12 January 2024, the Federal Government released the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill: Climate-related financial disclosure. In this Insight, we explain key elements of the Draft Legislation, including areas of uncertainty that have been raised in submissions to government. ...

Key themes shaping Australian regulatory enforcement risk in 2024

Legal and compliance leaders often ask us: what are the top enforcement risks we face and how can we prepare? In this report we cover the key themes running through regulatory enforcement activity in 2022 and what they will mean for you in 2023. Most sectors will be impacted by the seven key trends. ...

