1021-1030 of 2868 results

Government Seminar Series - key lessons for government contracting

Webinar: Government seminar series: COVID-19 and beyond - key lessons for government contracting ...

Investing via convertible debt instruments in Vietnam
Insight 03 Sep 2020

We look at the pros and cons of convertible debt instruments compared to traditional equity investment in Vietnam, the availability of these instruments to foreign investors and a comparison between convertible loan and convertible bond. ...

Linklaters Insight: summer’s top competition stories 2020
Insight 01 Sep 2020

The pandemic has shone blinding spotlights on existing areas of concern within competition law and accelerated attempts by policy makers to find solutions. ...

ALRC Final Report: Corporate Criminal Responsibility
Insight 01 Sep 2020

The Australian Law Reform Commission's Final Report on Corporate Criminal Responsibility (Report) was made public on Monday, 31 August 2020 after being tabled by Parliament. Watch our experts examine some of the Report's key proposals and their likely impact for companies. ...

ASIC's Corporate Plan 2020-2024
Insight 01 Sep 2020

ASIC's Corporate Plan sets out its strategic priorities and actions for the next four years, especially its approach to its supervisory, surveillance and enforcement functions, and how each of those may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Australia rebranded? A new logo in tough times for trade and travel
Insight 28 Aug 2020

Australia's new 'wattle' logo is intended to represent Australia in the international trade arena. Detailed arrangements governing its use are still to come. Stay alert for details of forthcoming governance arrangements which will define the circumstances in which the new logo can be applied. ...

Gaming: it's no game, in fact, it's big business
Insight 28 Aug 2020

From Nintendo to esports, gaming has put on a masterclass, demonstrating how leveraging and protecting IP is a key companion to reaching audiences beyond the controller. ...

Honest concurrent use: a rock-solid reminder of the importance of specific evidence
Insight 28 Aug 2020

A recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court has highlighted that evidence of honest concurrent use of a trade mark must relate to the specific goods or services covered by an application. It's a timely reminder about the need for care in selecting the scope of the goods and services covered by a mark. ...

Booking.com not so generic.com in the US?
Insight 28 Aug 2020

The US Supreme Court held that Booking.com is not a generic term and can be registered as a trade mark, presenting an opportunity for online businesses trading in the US under 'generic.com' domain names to seek trade mark registration. ...

Designs amendment on the horizon: is this the saving grace for Australian designs?
Insight 28 Aug 2020

The Designs Amendment (Advisory Council on Intellectual Property Response) Bill 2020 exposure draft has been released. The proposed changes will make it easier to coordinate design registrations across jurisdictions and, for now, current best practice filing strategies remain the same. ...

