11-20 of 452 results

Class action risk 2024

Class action filings rebounded in 2023, making it the second biggest year for filings of all time. While consumer claims continue to dominate, claims from shareholders and employees remain significant areas of risk. ...

What's trending: board skills and diversity reporting
Insight 12 Mar 2024

In this Insight, we examine the key trends in board skills and diversity reporting across Australia's top 50 ASX-listed entities over the last three years, provide an update regarding proposed changes to the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. ...

Sanctions Regime in Australia
Insight 21 Feb 2024

We outline the key aspects of the Australian Sanctions Regime, the practical issues that corporations may encounter when implementing and managing their sanctions compliance frameworks, as well as some recent case studies to illustrate how the regime can apply. ...

What's on the horizon for business and human rights – 2023 themes and 2024 predictions
Insight 15 Feb 2024

The focus on businesses' obligations regarding human rights has grown considerably in recent years. In this Insight, we identify some of the central business and human rights themes from 2023, and set out our predictions for the year ahead. ...

Mandatory climate-related financial reporting: business implications of the draft legislation
Insight 14 Feb 2024

On 12 January 2024, the Federal Government released the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill: Climate-related financial disclosure. In this Insight, we explain key elements of the Draft Legislation, including areas of uncertainty that have been raised in submissions to government. ...

Key themes shaping Australian regulatory enforcement risk in 2024

Legal and compliance leaders often ask us: what are the top enforcement risks we face and how can we prepare? In this report we cover the key themes running through regulatory enforcement activity in 2022 and what they will mean for you in 2023. Most sectors will be impacted by the seven key trends. ...

Sanctions developments in 2023 and expectations for 2024
Insight 30 Jan 2024

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, global sanctions proliferated rapidly. This trend continued in 2023, and the World Trade Organisation estimates that 12% of global trade is now affected by sanctions. ...

No sticker shock for automakers as High Court unpeels labelling case
Insight 15 Dec 2023

Earlier this week, the High Court handed down its unanimous judgment in the Mitsubishi fuel consumption labelling case, finding in favour of Mitsubishi. ...

Courts refuse to order disclosure of insurance and financial documents for use in mediation in class actions
Insight 13 Dec 2023

In this Insight, we consider some decisions in the Federal Court and Victorian Supreme Court that provide examples of how plaintiffs are framing applications for documents in the context of mediation, and when courts will consider it inappropriate to order their production. ...

Cyberwashing: a key focus for data breach class actions
Insight 11 Dec 2023

It has now been a year since the Medibank and Optus data breach incidents that led to a surge in data breach class action filings in Australia. ...

