221-230 of 284 results

Disclosing privileged documents to regulators
Insight 16 Dec 2016

The case of Cantor v Audi provides insights into what you should consider before providing privileged documents to a regulator. ...

Product design and distribution rules
Insight 13 Dec 2016

On 13 December 2016 Treasury released a paper seeking feedback on the proposed financial product design and distribution obligations and proposed product intervention powers for ASIC The proposals are intended to create new accountability obligations for product issuers and distributors On one view ...

Insourcing investment management in super - challenges and opportunities for in-house teams
Insight 09 Dec 2016

With the release of an ASFA Best Practice Paper on insourcing investment management we look at some of the challenges and opportunities for in-house legal teams that come with the seemingly inexorable move in the superannuation industry towards insourcing investment management functions ...

Review into four major banks - money for consultants?
Insight 25 Nov 2016

The Parliamentary Economics Committee released its report following its review into Australias four major banks yesterday Our Financial Services Regulation team has a look at the recommendations in this update ...

Risk culture - 'an evolving area of supervisory practice'
Insight 03 Nov 2016

A director of a bank life company or general insurer who read APRAs recent information paper on risk culture could be excused for indulging in a wry smile Since mid-2015 he or she has been subject to legislative obligations concerning risk culture However the information paper suggests that APRA is ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

ASIC to seek recovery of investigation costs
Insight 31 Jul 2015

This week ASIC flagged a change in its approach to the exercise of its power to make orders to recover expenses and costs associated with investigations Information Sheet 204 indicates that ASIC will be making greater use of this power to seek recovery of its costs from individuals and companies ...

What next after FATF's mixed review of Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime?
Insight 11 May 2015

The Financial Action Task Force has released its report on the effectiveness of Australias anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime focusing on the extent to which it complies with international standards The reports findings and recommendations come at a key stage in the ...

Competition law update
Insight 26 Mar 2015

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Draft rules and more consultation for the Asia Region Funds Passport
Insight 19 Mar 2015

APECs Working Group on the proposed Asia Region Funds Passport has issued a second consultation paper on the rules and operational arrangements for the Passport and seeks views from the public on a limited number of issues Managing Associate Janna Vynokur and Senior Associate Matthew Symmons report ...

