21-30 of 115 results
Key findings from the Infrastructure Investment Monitor
A lot can change in a short time, particularly in infrastructure, and staying on top of those changes can be a challenge.Each year, Allens and Infrastructure Partnerships Australia co-author the Infrastructure Investment Monitor—a review of the investment trends in the infrastructure landscape—and ...
Second stage of EPBC Act reforms announced: draft legislation expected shortly
Draft legislation is expected to be introduced into Parliament in the coming weeks to create two new national independent bodies: Environment Protection Australia and Environment Information Australia. ...
Recent developments in employment law
The latest issues, decisions and proposed changes impacting business and workplace risk. ...
Key steps to prepare for the fifth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
The ASX Corporate Governance Council (the Council) recently published the Consultation Draft for a fifth edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (the Recommendations). ...
The expectation of continuous improvement in combating modern slavery
There is an expectation that businesses demonstrate continuous improvement in their response to modern slavery and reporting under Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the MSA). ...
Licensing emerging process technologies: modern approaches to risk allocation
Licensing emerging technology is a tempting prospect when navigating decarbonisation and sustainability. We outline the risks of applying standard liability positions when licensing nascent technology; and provide some key risk mitigants for prospective licensees. ...
A guide for boards: ESG governance and reporting
This guide draws the attention of Directors to consider key questions they need to be asking their legal teams and senior management. Directors should evaluate how their organisation is managing possible risks across ESG and how they are managing their mandatory director duties. ...
Safeguard Mechanism 2.0: emitters face first 2024 carbon compliance milestone
Existing emitters under the Safeguard Mechanism will face their first major compliance milestone. In this Insight, we outline the key components of the emissions-intensity determination and explain what compliance entities for existing facilities need to be considering now. ...
Ethical decision making during a crisis
Covered in this webinar: the critical stages of a crisis; what acting ethically in a crisis looks like; what tensions can arise when acting ethically; and how to reduce the risk of crises in the future. ...
What's on the horizon for business and human rights – 2023 themes and 2024 predictions
The focus on businesses' obligations regarding human rights has grown considerably in recent years. In this Insight, we identify some of the central business and human rights themes from 2023, and set out our predictions for the year ahead. ...